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2008/10/30 22:19:32瀏覽1737|回應6|推薦36 | |
http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=WChWjGg1eOY (聽到1:50的時候請一起sha la la) 卡本特兄妹唱的那一句「Every sha la la la」從來就沒有引起我的共鳴,因為sha la la這種鬆軟芭樂的哼歌方式,讓我想起被救國團愚弄的童年。直到聽見Tom Waits用雄性沙啞的嗓音嘶吼出,我才嘖嘖稱奇:原來sha la la可以唱成這樣,不,吼成這樣! 感謝Tom Waits陪我度過那幾年亢奮與挫敗,傲氣與失意的時光。強大的空虛。彷彿靈魂與全世界的理想主義通姦而筋疲力竭。零散的快樂,團結不起來。那時開始想寫點東西,可是卻籠罩在一名朋友的語言風格底下,掙脫不出。我想藉由Tom Waits和咖啡找到波希米亞式的繆斯。結果是魔氣浩蕩,譫妄囈語的宣洩,一大堆散亂的段落,如今看起來好像生了重病似的: 我拄著卜礦杖邊走邊敲 妳的愛情是一部金銀銅鐵的衰敗神話 是否過去無量無邊的淘金客 早已篩走了我們最高貴的部分? 歷千百劫,我倆幾經輾轉下墜 至此黯淡如巴檯上生鏽的車鑰匙 連身體也發動不了的鑰匙。 另一名朋友看了搖頭:「too emotional!」不過這大概是必經的過程吧?只是我太晚才開發我的感受能力,在青春樣式即將終了的時候。 這首Jersey Girl一定有它的故事,只是我懶得去查,還煩請內行的朋友告知。歌詞像在講話,非常庶民,甚至是下層階級的口吻和文法,這就是Tom Waits。 Jersey Girl got no time for the corner boys, down in the street makin' all that noise, don't want no whores on eighth avenue, cause tonight i'm gonna be with you. cause tonight i'm gonna take that ride, across the river to the jersey side, take my baby to the carnival, and i'll take you on all the rides, down the shore everything's alright, you with your baby on a Saturday night, don't you know that all my dreams come true, when i'm walkin' down the street with you, sing sha la la la la la sha la la la. you know she thrills me with all her charms, when i'm wrapped up in my baby's arms, my little angel gives me everything, i know someday that she'll wear my ring. so don't bother me cause i got no time, i'm on my way to see that girl of mine, nothin' else matters in this whole wide world, when you're in love with a jersey girl, sing sha la la la la la la. and i call your name, i can't sleep at night, sha la la la la la la. (今天建立了一些推薦連結,有興趣的朋友可以在首頁點入) |
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