Thailand is a unique place |
2009/08/31 01:13 |
Indeed, the portions of Thai foods tend to be small. However, I like the light and health styles there. Miss the fully ripened aroma of pineapples and the fish sauce garnished salads.
The 人妖 show is anther unforgettable experience. Just like you said, everyone has a choice of sex there. However, I am just curious how many of such choices are economically motivated there. I heard those trans-sexual dancers started rather young, mostly the decisions were made by their parents. It's such an ironic contrast to the plain and traditional culture there.
How long did you stay in Thailand in your last trip?
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-31 04:29 回覆: |
I have spent totally 24 days for my last trip to Bangkok and it was the hottest month april, so I have not been too much around for sightseeing! And I was actually rather a lazy and budget traveler than a tourist and have never seen any trans-sexual dancer show at all. What you mentioned about their business karma implies indeed the dark side of this country of which there are many. No doubt at all...
Thank you for your nice and thoughtful comment to my humble entry here. Wish you a nice week ahead!
笑到不行 |
2009/08/09 17:04 |
天哪! daidi原來我收到wendy姊的那張世界大同的國歌是從你這兒來的喔,我看完後笑到不行啦! 我那陣子一直跟wendy姊與沐光姊說,我身體好疲累,很不舒適,幸好我們好姊妹給我看了你的國歌,讓我紓解壓力,我覺得好多了。再從新看一遍時,還是很好笑的呢。哈哈。
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-12 20:22 回覆: |
Dear Jessamine,
回顧 |
2009/08/07 00:10 |
時空交錯著歷史, 從現在到過去, 在不同的生活體驗與步調中, 我們看見的是現在還是過去的自己
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-07 05:59 回覆: |
唱國歌? |
2009/08/06 18:49 |
好久沒唱了柳, 以下是國小學生默寫製作的國歌...now I start to like it very much.
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-07 05:49 回覆: |
Dear Ricardo,
謝謝你燒上來這國歌MV 這個現在一定是在網路上猖獗地流傳來流傳去 我們若不po出來這裡亮相 遲早別人也會的 我回覆給樓下Gladys的是我個人對這個MV的看法 也給你餐烤一下: ...the real intention of the producer of this MV, I guess, was not to offend our national dignity, but to show his disappointment to the present situation of Taiwan...I dared to paste this film here to share, with the reasons that we are openminded enough to critisize ourselves. In the first glance, I found this very entertaining and laughed a lot, but afterwards it brought me to sigh deeply!
歡迎~ |
2009/08/06 15:52 |
是啊!我和溫蒂同年次,但是比起來......她成熟多了.... ㄟ.....我卻......好像......學生時代剛畢業沒幾年! 〈是說~精神面啦〉 至於稱呼~ 都好啦! 妳要壯大我的店!?哈哈哈~ 那再好不過, 喔!親愛的博克妳趕緊回來吧!〈興奮~抱著妳的腿不放~〉CC
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-07 05:37 回覆: |
可是...妳抱著我腿不放這溫情攻勢,我招架不來了啊...我所求的不過是一束花, 一首情歌和一張紙...... 等等,別弄錯哦,不是別的紙, 是一張教師聘書啦!
那夢是什麼 ? |
2009/08/06 06:50 |
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-07 05:14 回覆: |
啊,錯了錯了... 應該是說:
a satirist |
2009/08/06 06:36 |
A satirist! To satirize the present For admonish people Thanks my dear friend
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-07 04:59 回覆: |
Yeah...the real intention of the producer of this MV, I guess, was not to offend our national dignity, but to show his disappointment to the present situation of Taiwan...I dared to paste this film here to share, with the reasons that we are openminded enough to critisize ourselves. In the first glance, I found this very entertaining and laughed a lot, but afterwards it brought me to sigh deeply!
Thanks for your comment to this too, dear friend!
Yeah it deserves a loud:
其實…… |
2009/08/05 14:08 |
偶在泰國旅遊時按摩了兩次!(當時還蠻便宜的) 第一次是個比較年輕的小姐,技術尚不到火候。 沒想到第二次換另一家,偶……竟然舒服到睡著了! 最近發現偶所住的城市也有一、兩家泰式按摩,不過……koko不想進企,恐怕粉貴吧?而且,不諸道純不純呢?
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-06 02:25 回覆: |
嘿嘿...舒服到睡著了...這個我粉懂的...上回才30分鐘我也差點要睡去...你在的那個城市(偶知道不會說出去的!) 也有泰式按摩哦,妳聽我說啦, 第一, 肯定粉貴(至少比泰國貴很多),第二,我一定不知道那純不純,不過還是不要去給馬殺哦...
清邁& PATTAYA Beach |
2009/08/05 12:29 |
清邁這第二大都市,曾駐足漫遊,是出美女的地方,就像film內,清邁少女真甜美, PATTAYA Beach, 還記得碧綠的海水襯著白色耀眼的沙灘,岸邊椰樹隨風搖曳一片寧靜祥 和,是一富有浪漫情調的休閒中心. 謝謝讓我又神遊了 , 旅途平安愉快喔!
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2009-08-06 02:05 回覆: |