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2014/03/21 16:42:44瀏覽2173|回應17|推薦156 | |
![]() 《啡.沉淪》胡黛娣創作個展 咖啡畫 詩文 有聲計畫 (聲產中…) 生命之輪,升、沉,存乎一心。動亂紛擾的時代,身心安頓,便可任運自然。 長年旅居德國的藝術創作者胡黛娣,2011年秋天返國,次年夏天移居花蓮,專職藝術與文字工作。 臺灣咖啡文化當道,取得咖啡渣與再利用已相當便捷。經多方摸索與實驗,循序開啟了她現階段繪畫與創作主要表現方式:咖啡畫。本次個展《啡.沉淪》乃延續去年《啡話:占卜》首展及其預卜之「沉淪」。 為什麼是「沉淪」呢?經過一段時間的實驗,對咖啡這新媒材日漸熟悉,原先占卜式的隨性創作中,開始浮現的「意象」或「現象」,神秘中似乎帶點使命感,讓她想更深入演繹、探索「沉淪」的本質。 從聲音和字形的角度重新切入,抽離既有的刻板認知,想像開始抽象化:狂風暴雨來臨前的自然景象;遇難的輪船在波濤洶湧的黑色大海上與命運搏鬥;或是一輪怎麼也望不見的落日,反映初至東臺灣生活的新移民,正在經歷的新生活與深層渴望。「沉淪」的國度裡,當然還有水、聲音、律動、浮沉、輪轉、墜落、揚升、舞蹈…及無限延伸的想像,有如咖啡的香與苦,自杯底傳出,在味蕾上暈開… 負面意義的反轉,每一個「沉淪」,同時蘊含著「非沉淪」。所有負面和消極的,瞬間轉化為正向、積極與祝福的能量。 這次展出地點是在「聲子藝棧」,一個培育青年音樂人的文化空間。它的前身是婦產科醫院。由生產到「聲產」,藝術的新生與新聲,透過《啡.沉淪》,期能「聲產」出更多元的想法、回應與創作。除了繪畫外,文字創作的元素也將漸次「聲產」,並歡迎更多人士參觀、參與,提供詩文、音樂、舞蹈、表演及有聲創作等,共同創作、豐富、深化展覽之主題。 衷心期望此次展覽,更像一首如歌的行板,持續的、漸進的、延展的: onGoing,onGrowing…。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 《Coffee.Sink》Daidi Hu’s Solo Exhibition Coffee Paintings Poetry Audio Project (Ongoing…) Wheel of life, may it rise or fall, it all originates from this Oneness. In this era of chaos and disturbances, he who pacifies his body, soul and mind in One, is unbounded by destiny and thus free. Daidi Hu, an artist who had lived in Germany for decades, returned to Taiwan in Autumn 2011. She moved to Hualien in summer 2012, and has been active in art and writing. Taiwan has seen a rise in the coffee culture in the recent years, and coffee residues became a commonly reused material. Having been experimenting this for her art in many different ways, she has elaborated coffee paintings as her main artistic expression at this stage. The current exhibition "Coffee.Sink" is a continuation of last year exhibition "Coffee Talk.Diviners". What does "sink"(degeneration) mean here? After a period of experimentation, where Daidi Hu became familiar with coffee as a new medium. The initial creation using coffee from residues, which was based on oracular and instinct, seemed to sink in and emerge as a more definitive impression or phenomenon. The work seemed to carry a certain sense of destination, which inspired her to inquire deeper into or "sink" into the theme. Enter the world of "Sinking" by hearing and by iconography, and break away from all existing understandings and convictions, whereby thoughts become abstract and potentiated: one can see the power of nature before a fierce storm. A lonely ship battles against the boiling dark see. Or one can see an invisible sunset, illuminating the hope and longing of new immigrants in eastern Taiwan. In the land of "Sink", there must also be water, sounds, rhythms, floating and sinking, turning wheels, ascension, dance.... and endless expanding imagination, as the bitter fragrance of coffee that rises from the bottom of a cup and blossoms on the tastebud. “Sink” is commonly a negation, but each “sinking” potentiates a “Non-sinking”. All that is negative, passive is transformed instantaneously into something positive and empowering. The location of this exhibition is “Phonon Art”, a cultural space for cultivation of young musicians. The building used to be obstetrics hospital that had seen countless births. It now gives birth to art and music. Through exhibition "Coffee.Sink", the artist hopes to inspire more artistic thoughts, feedbacks and creation from different branches. Beside visual paintings, poetic elements and all kinds of expressive creation from participants would be turning into audio/sound artwork. We invite sincerely more people to join the creative progress to enrich and deepen the theme together. May this exhibition play a melody in andante cantabile, continuous, gradual, expansive: onGoing, onGrowing… Period: 2014/4/4 ~ 2014/5/29 Reception: 2014/4/12 2 : 00pm Venue: Phonon Art No.199, Bo Ai Street, Hualien City Open: Tue ~ Sun 2:00~9:00pm (Closed on Monday) Event on FB 臉書活動: https://www.facebook.com/events/1454600534772301/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming 展覽期間的相片,可以參閱: 聲子藝棧粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E8%81%B2%E5%AD%90%E8%97%9D%E6%A3%A7/357127294388384 ![]() |
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