兒子從小學五年級開始,就會透過 iPad 去欣賞國外知名歌手的作品,上了國中之後,還蠻常在房間內跟著高歌一曲。最近,好奇地去瞭解兒子都在聽哪些歌曲,讓已經有點年紀的筆者認識了 Adele、Christina Perri、John Legend、A Great Big World、Maroon 5 等歌手與團體,也聽了幾首這些歌手與團體的作品,例如 Adele 的 < Rolling in the Deep> 與 < Someone Like You >, Christina Perri 的 < A Thousand Years> 與 < Jar of Hearts >,John Legend 的 < All of Me >,A Great Big World 的 < Say Something >(筆者最欣賞這一首 Say Something Im Giving Up On You),以及 Maroon 5 的 < Sugar > 等等;聽著聽著,讓筆者憶起自己青少年時期的心情,也覺得自己真的老了!
瞭解兒子都在聽哪些流行歌曲時,筆者順便查了一下歌詞,之後決定選一首來陪兒子一起討論歌詞的意義,最後選了 Adele 的 < Someone Like You >,順便考考兒子的英文、以及瞭解兒子對歌詞的理解程度,順便打打預防針 ── 感情只是生命的一部份,不是全部。
Okay,接下來就來分享筆者陪兒子一起討論的過程,Adele 的 < Someone Like You >。
1. 筆者是使用 << Longman Dictionary of Comtemporary English >> 5th Edition 英英解釋版來查詢歌詞,並以 Longman DCE 縮寫表示之,definition 則以 def. 表之。 2. 筆者在查詢時是以前後文所透露的情境去推敲最有可能的字義解釋。 3. 為方便隔離「解釋部分」與「歌詞」,解釋的部分筆者以 ----- Begin ----- 開頭、----- End ----- 做結。
I heard that youre settled down That you found a girl and youre married now I heard that your dreams came true Guess she gave you things I didnt give to you
----- Begin ----- settle down (phrasal verb) by Longman DCE def. 2: to start living a quiet and calm life in one place, especially when you get married; settle down 表示一個人安定下來,尤其是指結婚、成家立業。
通常,settle down 都是採用主動語態,比較少見到使用被動語態,Adele 在這裡使用了較少見到的被動語態 You are stttled down,是否具有弦外之音,例如暗示著前男友是被迫安定下來,筆者當然是不能確定,但是有這樣的可能性。在臺灣,被迫安定下來的最常見原因,就是「奉子成婚」。
(I) guess she gave you things, I didnt give to you.
這句話表露出,這對戀人在當初分手時,前男友並沒有把分手的原因講得很清楚,也許是分手的原因太傷人,也有可能是前男友很在意的某些條件或特質,女方並不具有,所以前男友不願意講明;據此,在分手一段時間後,女方輾轉得知前男友結了婚,也只能臆測前男友放棄她而與別人結婚的主要原因,是那位女孩有著前男友很在意的條件或特質,是女方所沒有或無法付出的,或是女方不願意付出的。 ----- End -----
Old friend, why are you so shy? Aint like you to hold back or hide from the light.
----- Begin ----- why are you so shy? 這裡的 "shy",在筆者看過前後歌詞之後,主觀地認為不應該解釋成最常見的「害羞的」之意,而應以 Longman DCE def. 3 來做解釋:unwilling to get involved in something;此因前男友已經結婚,他不想也不願意再和前女友有所牽扯,所以他一直躲著她,以避免在某些地方不期而遇;筆者何以如此推測?原因在接下來的歌詞寫著:
(It) aint like you to hold back or hide from the light. 你如此地壓抑著自己的情感,似乎有意躲著我,這實在不像我瞭解的你呀!
此處的 aint 是一種俚語的說法,代表 "is not",原句應為:
It is not like you to hold back or hide from the light.
其中 It 指 "hold back or hide from the light" 這件事情,It 被省略;"is not" 被換成非正式的俚語說法 "aint"。
hold back (phrasal verb); by Longman DCE def. 2: to stop yourself from feeling or showing a particular emotion; 壓抑自己的情感,不要讓內心的感覺、情緒、感情等表露出來;
至於女方為何會說出這兩句話,後面的歌詞有交代 ── 女方因為無法忘懷逝去的戀情,似乎有在努力地想在一些老地方,期望與前男友不期而遇,而目的只是想讓對方知道,她還沒有走出傷痛。 ----- End -----
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited But I couldnt stay away, I couldnt fight it I had hoped youd see my face and that youd be reminded That for me it isnt over.
----- Begin ----- 這裡的 hate 應做「不喜歡某事、不願意去做某事」之意。
turn up (phrasal verb); by Longman DCE def. 3: to arrive at a place, especially in a way that is unexpected; 在某個地方出現,尤指「出乎意料地出現在某個地方」。
out of the blue: 意料之外的意思
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited;意思指「我也不喜歡出乎意料地不請自來」
away (adverb); by Longman DEC def. 1: used to say that someone leaves a place or person, or stays some distance from a place or person;
fight (verb); by Longman DEC def. 4: prevent something; to try very hard to prevent something or to get rid of something unpleasnat that already exists;
But I couldnt stay away, I couldnt fight it 但是我無法離開、我不願意離開,我無法克制內心的慾望,什麼慾望?後兩句的歌詞有交代:我希望和你不期而遇,然後當你看到我的臉時,你會被提醒與瞭解,對我來說,這段逝去的戀情還沒有結束(我還沒有走出傷痛)。
I had hoped youd see my face and that youd be reminded That for me it isnt over.
I had hoped you would see my face and that you would be remided that it is not over for me.
這裡使用了 "had hoped" 過去完成式,表示「想讓你見到我的臉,然後你會被提醒或你會瞭解,對我來說,我還沒有走出傷痛」這件事,我在過去的某個時間點之前,就已經想過要做這件事、或期盼這件事情會發生,但是有沒有發生呢?沒有,因為 would 給了答案 ── would 通常是表示一種假想的情況,實際上沒有發生過的假想情況。
We use "would" or "would not" when we imagin a situation or actoin(= we think of something that is not real). ----- End -----
Never mind, Ill find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you too Dont forget me, I beg Ill remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"
----- Begin ----- Well,這段歌詞是這首歌的高潮。
Never mind, Ill find someone like you
首先,Adele 要前男友別擔心她,因為她已經打算「向前看」,去尋求新戀情,但講的很「言不由衷」,因為第一句裡面的 "someone like you",已經道出女方仍舊無法忘懷舊戀情,因為如果真的是要「向前看」,照理說對新戀情的對象應該不要設限,應該要讓可能性擴展到最大,這樣子才是真正「向前看」的展現,但實際上卻非如此 ── 我要找一個像你一樣的人來愛,找個像你一樣的替代品來愛;第一句裡面的 "someone like you",已經埋下在第三句與第四句時,情感徹底崩潰的伏筆。
I wish nothing but the best for you too
I wish nothing 表示「我一無所求」
I wish nothing but X,表示「我一無所求,但有唯一的一個例外,這個例外是 X。」
I wish nothing but the best for you;這裡的 best 是名詞,表示在能力所及的範圍之內,進展到最好或最成功的狀態;整句話,是女方說她只希望與祝福前男友,在他的能力所及的範圍之內,進展到最好或最成功的狀態,除此之外一無所求。至於在句尾為何又加了一個 "too" , 筆者對此的思考與解釋如下:
在分手前或分手時,前男友也曾經對女方說過同樣的話,亦即 "I wish nothing but the best for you."。
Ill remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"
這裡的 last 是動詞,應做 continue to exist and remain in good condition for a long time 解釋(by Longman DCE def. 2)。
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead
有時候,相愛的兩人,感情是持續穩定地進展的很好,彼此都感到幸福與美好,戀情看起來是有望永誌不渝,但有時候,彼此相愛卻又互相傷害,或是其它的原因導致彼此感到痛苦,所以有時候不是幸福美好,反倒是刺痛。後段的歌詞,有交代這段高潮歌詞的緣由,亦即這對戀人曾經有過無憂無慮、彼此都被愛慕與驚喜牢牢地繫在一起的美好時光,但最後這段戀情竟然意外地演變成只剩下「悔恨與錯誤」。 ----- End -----
You know how the time flies Only yesterday was the time of our lives We were born and raised In a summer haze Bound by the surprise of our glory days
----- Begin ----- You know how the time flies Only yesterday was the time of our lives
You know how the time flies 真的是時光飛逝呀(時光飛逝,你是知道的;我想你應該同意時間過得很快)!
Only yesterday was the time of our lives 這句是倒裝句,原句為 "The time of our lives was only yesterday.";意思是說,我們在一起的時光,彷彿只是昨天的事情。
We were born and raised In a summer haze Bound by the surprise of our glory days
我們都是在夏天的晨霧裡出生與長大的,這裡除了強調彼此的共同性之外(都是在夏天出生長大的),也強調夏天晨霧的詩意性(具有美感的詩意性)。有些地區可能因為地形或氣候的關係,空氣中的水氣較重,因此在夏天的晚上,氣溫下降後,小草或枝葉上會有凝結的露珠,待第二天太陽升起,這些露珠被蒸發之際,就會在大氣中形成頗有詩意的晨霧。透過 Google 大神查一下 Summer Haze 的照片:
第二句 (We were) bound by the surprise of our glory days.
其中的 bound 是 bind 的過去分詞(past participle),其意義應做 to form a strong emotional or economic connection between two people, countries etc. 解釋(by Longman def. 2);意思是指,這對戀人在青梅竹馬時期,彼此之間就已經形成了很強很堅固的情感聯繫,而這情感聯繫是由那段期間的彼此愛慕與互給對方驚喜所造就而成的。
glory days; by Longman DCE def.: a time in the past when someone was admired
彼此的共同性、夏天晨霧的詩意性、青梅竹馬時期的彼此愛慕與互給對方驚喜,這種種的美好,在接下來的道出「後來卻不如預期」時,是更添傷感! ----- End -----
I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited But I couldnt stay away, I couldnt fight it I had hoped youd see my face and that youd be reminded That for me, it isnt over
Never mind, Ill find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you, too Dont forget me, I beg, I remember you said Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah
----- Begin ----- 上述的歌詞,是將「後來不如預期」以及「不捨與傷痛」,再重提一次! ----- End -----
Nothing compares, no worries or cares Regrets and mistakes, theyre memories made Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
----- Begin ----- Nothing compares with no worries or cares,更詳細的解釋,則是:
Nothing compares = Nothing is as good as our early love no worries or cares = There were no worries or cares when we were young and in love.
Regrets and mistakes, They are memories made. 這一句,目前有兩種解釋:
1. Regrets and mistakes, They are what memories made. 亦即「悔恨與錯誤,是由記憶所交織而成。」
2. Regrets and mistakes, They are memories which have been made. 亦即「悔恨與錯誤,是我記得的事情」。
哪一種解釋才對?查遍臺灣與中國的部落客之歌詞翻譯,全部都是做第一義解釋,亦即「悔恨與錯誤,是由記憶所交織而成。」對嗎?基於懷疑與求證的精神,筆者在查證過後,發現第二義解釋才是對的,有根據嗎?有!筆者是去查 native speaker 對此歌詞 "they are memories made" 的解釋,因為也有部分的 native speaker 或法國人看不懂這段歌詞而提問,請網友透過 Google 鍵入 "they are memories made wordreference.com" 即可查得解釋。
They are memories made 之中的 "memories",不應該解釋成「總體的記憶」,而應該解釋成「記得的事情」。
memory (noun); by Longman DEC def. 2: something you remember[countable, usually plural], something that you remember from the past about a person, place, or experience;
Regrets and mistakes, they are memories made;悔恨與錯誤,是我記得的事情,是我對這段戀情的記憶,至於悔恨與錯誤的細節,則留給聽眾們去想像 ── 誤會、沒有安全感、吃醋、吵架時說了不該說的重話 ... 等等。
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
would + have + past participle,是用以想像過去沒有發生過的情況或事件,是一種假想狀況。
Who would have known something 誰會在當時就能知道某事,亦即在當時沒有人知道某事;
How bittersweet this would taste 這嚐起來會是怎樣的苦甜參半
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste? 有誰在當時就能知道,這段戀情在後來嚐起來(回憶起來)會是怎樣的苦甜參半?亦即沒有人能在當時就能料想得到,這段戀情的最後結果會是如何。 ----- End -----