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2017/08/08 19:37:20瀏覽170|回應0|推薦3 | |
事勿忙 忙多錯 勿畏難 勿輕略做事不要匆忙,做事太匆忙容易導致許多錯誤。不要怕擔任艱難的工作,但也不要以為工作很容易, 就輕視它,草率的去做。 I will avoid doing things in a hurry, as doing things in haste will lead to many mistakes. I should not be afraid of difficult tasks, and I will not become careless when a job is too easy. (果立注: 諸葛ㄧ生唯謹慎而已。) 鬥鬧場 絕勿近 邪僻事 絕勿問避免去鬥爭或胡鬧的場所,絕不過問邪惡或不正常的事情。 I will keep away from rowdy places. I will not ask about things that are abnormal or unusual. (果立注: 不去些「風花雪月」(不良)的場所,可以避免「惡緣」起現行。換言之,以往種下的「惡因」,如同種子。此種子得不到「惡緣」(適合種子生長的環境),惡果就無法產生。年少時的心質樸無邪,而判斷是非的能力較差,少過問不正當之事,可免受染污。)將入門 問孰存 將上堂 聲必揚 進入房子大門以前,要先問房裡是否有人在。進入房間以前,一定要先把聲音提高,讓別人知道有人將要進來了。
When I am about to enter a main entrance, I must first ask if someone is inside. Before entering a room, I must first make myself heard, so that those inside know someone is approaching. (果立注: 如此可避免瓜田裏下,或尷尬的場面出現。)
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