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第三章  謹-每日的生活行為要小心謹慎

Chapter 3

Be Cautious in My Daily Life 

朝起早  夜眠遲  老易至 惜此時

每天早晨我要比父母起的早,夜晚要等父母睡後, 我才去睡。當我覺察到時間一去不返,自己一年一 年的變老,就該格外珍惜眼前的光陰。

I will get up each morning before my parents; at night, I will go to bed only after my parents have gone to sleep. When I realize that time is passing me by and cannot be turned back, and that I am getting older year by year, I will especially treasure the present moment.

(果立注: 年長者體力較衰弱,睡眠時間較長,故多半早睡晚起。一日之計在於晨。最好早上能陪他們作作運動,談談家常,再開始一天的行程。)


晨必盥  兼漱口  便溺回 輒淨手

冠必正  鈕必結  襪與履 俱緊切.



When I get up in the morning, I will wash my face and brush my teeth. After using the toilet, I will always wash my hands.

I must wear my hat straight,   and make sure the hooks of my clothes are tied. My socks and shoes should also be worn neatly and correctly.

(果立注: 此處重點乃養成良好的習慣。當優質習慣自然的成為日常行為,即成就了「謹」。)

置冠服  有定位  勿亂頓 致污穢

衣貴潔  不貴華  上循分 下稱家





I will always place my hat and clothes away in their proper places. I will not carelessly throw my clothes around, for that will get them dirty.

It is more important that my clothes are clean, rather than how extravagant they are. I will wear only what    is suitable for my station. At home, I will wear clothes according to my family traditions and customs.

(果立注: 古代社會除了貴族外,平民百姓亦分為士、農、工、商四個階層。冠服飾品皆須符合身份地位。現在人人平等。服飾只要整潔、並按照風俗、場合穿著即可。)

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