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2017/06/28 23:58:15瀏覽245|回應0|推薦3 | |
第二章出則弟在外做弟弟應有的標準原則 Chapter 2Standards for a Younger Brother When Away from Home
兄道友 弟道恭 兄弟睦 孝在中 為人兄長要友愛自己的弟弟妹妹,弟弟妹妹應該要 尊重敬愛自己的兄長。兄弟姐妹能和睦相處,就是在孝敬父母。 If I am the older sibling, I will befriend the younger ones. If I am the younger sibling, I will respect and love the older ones. Only when I can maintain harmonious relationships with my siblings am I being dutiful to my parents. (果立注: 兄弟姊妹間的友愛乃源於對父母的孝道。倘能和睦相處,將來與朋友交往亦採相同原則,朋友自然便多。)
財物輕 怨何生 言語忍 忿自泯 當兄弟姐妹懂得重視同胞的情義超過財物,彼此就不會為了爭取財物而產生怨恨。如彼此說話都能謹慎、有耐心、能容忍,忿恨的心自然就熄滅了。 When I value my familial ties more than property and belongings, no resentment will come between me and my siblings. When I am careful with words and hold back hurtful comments, my feelings of anger naturally die out. (果立注: 共貧賤不易,共富貴更難。越是富貴人家,兄弟姊妹的親情越難維護。除非從小就學習「弟子規」)
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