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2017/06/27 04:34:36瀏覽118|回應0|推薦0

親愛我  孝何難  親憎我 孝方賢


When I have loving parents, it is not difficult to be dutiful to them. But if I can be dutiful to parents who hate me, only then will I meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.

(果立注: 不可能每個父母都是聖賢,能夠平等對待每一位子女。作為子女能夠明白各人因緣不同。無論善因緣或惡因緣,都應按弟子規,盡心盡力孝養父母。)


親有過 諫使更 怡吾色 柔吾聲


When my parents do wrong, I will urge them to change. I will do it with a kind facial expression and a warm gentle voice.

(果立注: 儒家的忠孝並非愚忠愚孝,而是具智慧的忠孝。當父母犯過錯時,要有合宜的方法勸之。能使用正確的方法勸諫父母者,將來方有能力勸諫長官。)


諫不入  悅復諫  號泣隨 撻無怨


If they do not accept my advice, I will wait until they are in a happier mood before I attempt to dissuade them again, followed by crying, if necessary, to make them understand. If they end up whipping me I will not hold a grudge against them.

(果立注: 倘父母不聽勸,不但要有合宜的方法勸父母,還得選適當的時機再勸之。與前段勸諫父母的方法為同一套路。以下勸上需婉轉表達,顧及長上的體面,還得選時機。)


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