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2017/07/02 18:56:20瀏覽93|回應0|推薦0 | |
稱尊長 勿呼名 對尊長 勿見能 依中國古禮,稱呼尊長不可以稱他的名。在尊長前 ,不要賣弄自己的才能。 When I address an elder, I should not call him by his given name. In front of an elder, I will never show off. (果立注: 西方人對尊長亦稱Sir (先生)與Madam(夫人)而不直呼其名。) 路遇長 疾趨揖 長無言 退恭立 在路上遇到我認識的長者,我應該要快速向前跟長者鞠躬敬禮。如果他不開口跟我說話,我應該恭敬的退立在一旁。 If I meet an elder I know on the street, I will promptly clasp my hands and greet him with a bow. If he does not speak to me, I will step back and respectfully stand aside. (果立注: 該有的禮數要有,但不要過度,否則便是失禮,反而惹人生厭。) 騎下馬 乘下車 過猶待 百步餘當我正騎在馬上,在路上遇到我認識的長者,我應該下馬跟長者致敬。如我是乘坐在馬車上,我就應該停住馬車後下車跟長者先致敬,然後請問長者是否能載他一程。在路上遇到我認識的長者經過,我應該要恭敬站立在一旁等候,等長者走遠見不到了,我才能離去。 Should I be riding a horse and spot an elder I know walking, I will dismount and pay respect to the elder. If I am riding in a carriage, I will stop, get out of the carriage, and ask if I can give the elder a ride. If I meet an elder passing by, I will stand aside and wait respectfully. I will not leave until the elder disappears from my sight. (果立注: 現在行車速度快,路上車又多,安全第一。停車若有風險,用手機問候即可。) |
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