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2017/06/27 21:30:48瀏覽145|回應0|推薦1

親有疾  藥先嘗  晝夜侍 不離床

父母親生病了,所喝的湯藥,我們自己要先嘗過。 我們早晚都要在父母的床旁細心的服侍他們。

When my parents are ill, I will taste the medicine first before giving it to them.  I will take care of them night and day and stay by their bedside.

(果立注: 父母若服中國湯藥,則可以嘗一嘗,知道火候夠不夠。西藥多為「以毒攻毒」,千萬不要嘗。學習弟子規,需學其精義。父母親生病,要傾聽其描述病況,要與醫護人員瞭解其病情。表達對親情的關懷,對父母多少是有幫助的。)


喪三年  常悲咽  居處變 酒肉絕

替父母守喪的三年期間,我們應該要常惦記著父母養育之恩未報而感到悲傷哽咽。在這段期間內,家裡的佈置應該有哀泣的氣氛。我們應該要避免去遊 樂場所、參加喜慶典禮或者是大吃大喝。 

During the first three years of mourning after my parents have passed away, I will remember them with gratitude and feel sad often for not being able to repay them for their kindness in raising me. During this period I will arrange my home to reflect my grief and sorrow.  I will also avoid festivities and indulgence in food and alcoholic drinks.

(果立注: 守喪三年是古禮。重要的是記得父母的恩澤。現代人難守舊制,倘能移孝作忠,為國家社會貢獻心力,也是報父母恩的一種方式。)


喪盡禮  祭盡誠  事死者 如事生



I will observe proper etiquette in arranging my parents’ funerals. I will hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate my parents’ anniversaries with utmost sincerity. I will serve my departed parents (with love and respect) as if they were still alive.

(果立注: 父母臨終與喪禮都極為重要。無論父母相信任何宗教,都應在此重要時刻,讓其靈與體受到尊敬,得到安寧。)

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