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2017/08/22 05:13:32瀏覽212|回應0|推薦2 | |
唯德學 唯才藝 不如人 當自礪唯有當我自己的道德、品行、學問和才能、技藝不如別人,我該勉勵自己努力的去改進。 When my morals, conduct, knowledge, and skills seem not as good as those of others, I will encourage myself to be better. 若衣服 若飲食 不如人 勿生慼如果只是自己的衣服和飲食不如人,不要為此而憂 慼感到慚愧。 If the clothes I wear, and the food I eat and drink are not as good as that of others, I should not be concerned. (果立注: 道德言行,見賢思齊。學問能力,濟世助人。物質生活,恬淡自在。)
聞過怒 聞譽樂 損友來 益友卻如我聽到別人批評,就會生氣;聽到別人讚美,就會感到高興;壞朋友會接踵而來,好朋友會遠離我而去。 If criticism makes me angry and compliments make me happy, bad company will come my way and good friends will shy away. (果立注: 子曰:损者三友。友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,损矣。孔子強調的以下三種损友,是很難防的。虛偽、矯飾缺乏誠懇忠信者,阿諛奉承者,巧言善辯卻沒真才實學者。) 聞譽恐 聞過欣 直諒士 漸相親如我聽到別人讚嘆,就起恐慌;聽到別人批評,反而感到高興;有誠信又能諒解我的道德人士,才會逐漸願意與我親近。 If I am uneasy about compliments and appreciative of criticism, then sincere, understanding, and virtuous people will gradually come close to me. (果立注: 子曰:益者三友,友直,友諒,友多聞,益矣。和正直的人為友、和誠信大度的人為友、和見識廣博的人為友,都會受益。) |
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