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2017/08/19 09:52:34瀏覽211|回應0|推薦4

彼說長  此說短  不關己 莫閒管


Some like to talk about the good points of others, while some like to talk about the faults of others. If it is none of my business, I will not get involved.

 (果立注: 凡於公益無關的事,「多一事,不如少一事。少一事,不如無事。」)

見人善  即思齊  縱去遠 以漸躋

見到別人行善,要馬上想到向他們看齊。即使現在跟他們相距還差的很遠,我已經開始慢慢的跟上了 。

When I see others do good deeds, I must think about following their example. Even though my own achievements are still far behind those of others, I am getting closer.

(果立注: 學習「弟子規」也是見賢思齊的一種方式。若能落實於日常生活中,便是王陽明先生所說的「知行合一」了。)


見人惡  即內省  有則改 無加警


When I see others do wrong, I must immediately reflect upon myself. If I have made the same mistake, I will correct it. If not, I will take extra care to not make the same mistake.




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