《Aquarius 水瓶座》這首經典樂曲其實是一首混合曲(medley),也就是由兩支或多支樂曲混在一起演唱或演奏。此曲全名為《Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In 水瓶座/讓陽光進來》,詠讚水瓶座世代的來臨。它出自1967年的音樂劇《The Hair》,1969年發行單曲,由『第五維 The 5th Dimension』合唱團原唱。當年曾居全美排行榜榜首達六週之久,是歷來第一首混和曲成為榜首,也是那一年全世界最流行的歌曲,並且獲得當屆格萊美最佳歌曲獎與最佳錄音獎。另外,該曲居於告示牌全時期百名最偉大歌曲的第57名和其它名排行榜的前列。
《Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In(水瓶座/讓陽光進來)》,這裡並未選 The 5th Dimension的原唱。我覺得有著磁性嗓音的The Supremes,表演得精緻多了。尤其是主唱戴安娜·羅斯,不愧後來單飛成為巨星,被稱作『黑珍珠』。 Galt MacDermot作曲,James Rado 和 Gerome Ragni作詞, When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius Age of Aquarius Aquarius! Aquarius!
Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derisions Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revelation And the minds true liberation Aquarius! Aquarius!
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in The sun shine in