It wasnt the rain that washed away... Rinsed out the colours of your eyes Putting the gun down on the bedside table I must have realized 並不是這場雨洗去妳眼睛的色彩。 我把槍放在床邊的桌上, 我已然了解這一切。
It wasnt the rain That made no difference And I could have sworn it wasnt me Yet I did it all so coldly ...almost slowly Plain for all to see 並不是這一場雨, 沒有任何差別。 我發過誓那並不是因為我, 妳冷酷地,幾乎是緩慢地做了所有的一切, 這一切清晰可見。
Oh cmon please now Talk to me Tell me; things I could find helpful How can I stop now... Is there nothing I can do I have lost my way Ive been losing you 喔,請告訴我, 我所能找到的幫助, 我如何能停止, 我無法做任何事了嗎? 我失去了方向,我已失去了妳。
I can still hear our screams competing Youre hissing your ss like a snake Now in the mirror stands Half a man I thought no one could break 我還能聽見我們尖聲爭執的聲音, 妳發出像蛇一般的嗤聲。 站在鏡子前的半個男人, 我想沒有人能將他擊破。
It wasnt the rain That made no difference ...nervously drumming on:Run away But I want the guilt to get me Thoughts to wreck me Preying on my mind 並不是這一場雨, 沒有任何差別。 強烈的擊鼓聲中,我跑開了, 我讓自己感到有罪, 讓這些想法將我毀滅, 我的心靈遭到了掠奪。
So, please now Talk to me Tell me; things I could find helpful For how can I stop now... Is there nothing I can do I have lost my way Ive been losing you 喔,請告訴我, 我所能找到的幫助, 我如何能停止, 我無法做任何事了嗎? 我失去了方向,我已失去了妳。