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2006/01/27 01:44:57瀏覽1957|回應15|推薦43 | |
●來玩納尼亞個性遊戲(英文) 我的結果是"You are...Susan. Sensible and practical, you are not always comfortable with new situations, preferring the tried-and-true. You are a gentle person, very considerate of, and sympathetic to, others." \ "I find in myself desires which nothing in this earth can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world"~Clive Staples Lewis 今日終於看到小學熟讀深愛的故事『魔衣櫥』(國語日報出版社)改編的電影,把C. S. Lewis為自己創造的世界賦予形體。那是個孩童躲避現實苦痛勇氣的世界,也是個給與孩童戰勝醜惡能力的世界,一個以"Magnificent, Just ,Gentle ,Valiant”為王、為價值中心的希望世界。 多年之後,我才了解,除了描寫一個奇妙的世界與四個兄弟姐妹的背叛、愛與信仰,發生在納尼亞的戰爭,其實就是為身處二戰的孩子創造的戰爭,在成人世界對戰爭的無奈與無力感,因此得到釋放。而獅子Aslan其實帶著動物的獸性與母性,猶如上帝嚴厲與慈愛交疊的面相--而孩子從沒想過需要真正畏懼牠(祂)。(獅子是由"連恩尼遜配音,非常低沉有魅惑) ‘But as for Aslan himself, the Beavers and the children didn't know what to do or say when they saw him. People who have not been in Narnia sometimes think that a thing cannot be good and terrible at the same time. If the children had ever thought so, they were cured of it now. For when they tried to look at Aslan's face they just caught a glimpse of the golden mane and the great, royal, solemn, overwhelming eyes; and then they found they couldn't look at him and went all trembly.’ 至於Aslan的受辱、代死與復生,當然就是Jesus的意象。 『納尼亞』作者C. S. Lewis(1898 – 1963)與『魔戒』作者J. R. R. Tolkien (1892 -1973)其實是好朋友,兩人都於一次大戰入伍過,Tolkien生於非洲出身困頓,是苦學畢業牛津的中古英國語言、文學學者;愛爾蘭人Lewis則是畢業於牛津大學,任教牛津、劍橋大學的哲學學者--雖然他很討厭學校。和我喜歡的鋼琴家Pogolerich一樣,和年長27歲的女性結婚並廝守至對方生命盡頭,53歲成為鰥夫。 Tolkien 作品出版時間為'The Hobbit'~1937,'The Lord of the Rings'~1954-1955;1950,Lewis出版'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe',此時大戰方歇,他方喪妻一年,沒有孩子,我忍不住要臆測,Lewis自比為書中深解兒童"無限可能"的老教授--幸運地,58歲時他與小17歲的老婆再婚,還附帶現成的兒子(本段引自http://www.anglik.net/lewis.htm 不是才育有,謝Chi先生指正),真實的教授有了說故事的對象。之後他才反過來寫『納尼亞』系列的第一本’The Magician's Nephew’,講納尼亞的誕生--Narnian Years:1 (第一章摘要 ;第一章英文版 ) Lewis在與Tolkien等信眾長談後,1931正式成為基督徒,一生最重要的寫作都基於基督教的信念(C.S.Lewis的信仰自述 )。除此之外,他喜歡喝啤酒,因此外觀就和長年喝酒的典型英國佬沒兩樣--高大、胖、禿頭、紅臉、雙下巴…,他喜歡食物,甚至在書中都是引用英國傳統食物與生活習慣。 "Mrs. Beaver brought out of the oven a great and gloriously sticky marmalade (橘子、檸檬等製成的果醬)roll, steaming hot, and at the same time moved the kettle onto the fire, so that when they had finished the marmalade roll the tea was made and ready to be poured out" 枯燥保守的英國人,卻能創造出魔戒、納尼亞、哈利波特的奇幻世界,文化的深度,畢竟才是滋生眾多精緻藝術最重要的養料。 ●納尼亞資料 (義大利也有Narnia) ●Other works by C. S. Lewis: Out of the Silent Planet (1938) The Problem of Pain (1940) The Screwtape Letters (1942) Perelandra (1943) That Hideous Strength (1945) Prince Caspian (1951) The Voyage of the Dawn Trader (1952) The Silver Chair (1953) The Horse and his Boy (1954) The Magician's Nephew (1955) The Last Battle (1956) Till we have Faces (1956)
( 休閒生活|影視戲劇 ) |