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恢復美麗的身分日記 #15 <<為自己建立能佇立的支持系統>>
2024/04/25 07:53:16瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0

恢復美麗的身分日記 #15 <<為自己建立能佇立的支持系統>>

今天我意外的早起, 所以就開始整理 “可以支持我, 在 a typical work day 能直接給我力量的10 個真理.” 我想, 在工作開始後, 可能會很難在早上有與神親近的時間, 但是只要我依著自己需求整理需要被提醒的真理和重點, 就能幫助自己在軟弱裡也快快重新得力, 會更有衝勁和效力! 希望這裡面的一些真理也能祝福大家, 對大家有益處~
Truths That Will Carry Me Through a Typical Workday:
1. God has a good plan for my life. He will not do anything unless it’s going to work out for my ultimate good! I’m going to fulfill my destiny & be all I can be for His glory. I intend to use my skills to help others.
2. God lives in me right now & He is helping me every second. He is in ALL that I’m doing. Feeling lonely is a lie because I’m never alone. God loves me & sent His only son to die for me, so I can receive everything HE IS in the Holy Spirit.
3. Holy Spirit is always right here with me. He’s encouraging me, guiding me, & supporting me. I know He is with me all the time, so I have and will have ALL that I need.
4. I am WORTHY just as I am right now. I won’t be more worthy after I master all skills. I am worthy right now at this very moment.
5. There’s nothing in the world that God tells me to do that He won’t give me the ability to do it!
6. When I feel fear/anxiety, I will say “we (I & God) can deal with/handle the difficult situations!” With God by my side, even when things don’t go as planned/expected, I will be fine!
7. My sense of worth is not dependent on what others think of me. Jesus has already affirmed my values by His willingness to die for me. I will not be controlled by what people think, say, or do. Even if they totally reject me, I will survive. I can rest in the fact that God loves me.
8. I will realize my DO (what I do) will not fix my WHO (Who I am), but when I know who I am, my desire to do the right will flow from my love for Jesus.
9. I will live by what I KNOW about WHO God is! I know He is FAITHFUL, RIGHTEOUS, MERCIFUL.
( 知識學習其他 )
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