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恢復美麗的身分日記 #19 <<聖靈能在我日常生活中做什麼? "宣告和禱告用">>
2024/04/25 08:10:27瀏覽32|回應0|推薦0

恢復美麗的身分日記 #19 <<聖靈能在我日常生活中做什麼?>>

在生活的每一天, 讓我們靠近聖靈, 宣告聖靈的能力, 領受神新鮮的恩膏和幫助!
1. 祂能理解我所經歷的一切。
2. 當我沮喪、無助、悲傷或困惑時,祂會安慰我。
3. 祂能平息我心中的風暴。
4. 祂能釋放醫治的能力在我的身體, 靈魂, 和靈命。
5. 祂能隱藏我並保護我免受傷害。
6. 祂能原諒我的錯誤/罪過。
7. 祂能給我力量來突破我的過犯。
8. 當我的人生方向發生變化時,祂能指引我。
9. 祂能在每個季節履行他對我生命的呼召。
10. 祂提供我 “勇氣、資源和能力” 去做每一件祂要我完成的事。
11. 當時機成熟時,祂可以把我從一個非常具有挑戰的情況中解救出來。
12. 祂能執行並且完成任何符合他心意的事情。
13. 祂能增加祂的愛在我身上、使我能夠去愛其他人。
14. 祂能揭穿所有謊言、並透過真理來釋放我得自由。
15. 祂能用他的恩寵來祝福我。
16. 祂能讓我盡可能快樂!
17. 祂能給我各種屬靈恩賜、來充滿、使我來服侍他。
18. 祂能使用生活的各樣領域 (身體健康、學業、工作、人際關係、精神生活)、來幫助和培養我的紀律。
19. 祂能給我信心去做我害怕去做的事情。
20. 祂能給我愛祂、和服侍他的渴慕。
21. 通過我每天選擇與聖靈同行、祂能使我聖潔。
WHAT CAN HOLY SPIRIT DO in my day-to-day life?
1. HE can UNDERSTAND everything I go through.
2. HE can COMFORT me when I am frustrated, helpless, sad, or confused.
3. HE can CALM THE STORM in me.
4. HE can RELEASE HIS HEALING POWER for my body, soul, Spirit.
5. HE can HIDE ME & PROTECT ME from harm.
6. HE can FORGIVE my mistakes/sins.
7. HE can GIVE ME THE STRENGTH to BREAK FREE from my mistakes.
8. HE can COUNSEL/GUIDE me when my life direction is changing.
9. HE can FULFILL HIS CALLING for my life in every season.
10. HE can PROVIDE me with COURAGE, RESOURCES, & ABILITY to do everything that He asks me to do.
11. HE can DELIVER ME out of a very challenging situation when the time is right.
12. HE can PERFORM/COMPLETE anything that’s ALIGNED with His wills and purposes.
13. HE can INCREASE HIS LOVE IN ME for others.
14. HE can DEBUNK all lies & SET ME FREE through His truth.
15. HE can BLESS ME with His FAVOR.
16. HE can MAKE ME as HAPPY as I need to be!
17. HE can FILL ME UP with all kinds of SPIRITUAL GIFTS to serve Him.
18. HE can GROW MY DISCIPLINE in all areas (physical health, academics, work, relationship, spiritual life).
19. HE can GIVE ME the FAITH TO DO THINGS I am afraid of doing.
20. HE can GIVE me the desire to LOVE & OBEY HIM.
21. HE can MAKE ME HOLY through my daily walk with the Holy Spirit.
( 知識學習其他 )
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