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2015/04/07 16:57:24瀏覽80|回應0|推薦0 | |
故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。
《法句經》第15偈講的是屠夫隼砣(Cunda)的因果報應。一個心狠手辣的殺豬人發生何事? 話說距離竹林精舍(Veḷuvana)不遠的村子裡,隼砣天天磨刀霍霍向豬崽。他幹這一行好多年了,磨出一副鐵石心腸,屠宰豬隻前,竟然像貓戲耗子般,先要細細折磨一番。隼砣一生沒積過一樁功德,撒手人寰前,他渾身難受、疼痛不堪。連著好幾天,他以雙手和膝蓋著地,像豬一樣匍匐移動尖叫,發出豬的呼嚕哀嚎。身心備受煎熬,到了第七天,一命嗚呼,往生到惡道。 當時,有些比丘聽見從隼砣屋內傳出的呼嚕慘叫聲,以為他一定正忙著宰殺更多的豬。出家人不免批評兩句,隼砣端的是殘忍邪惡,半點兒慈悲心也沒有。 佛陀聽到那些比丘的評論,便說:「比丘們!隼砣不是在殺豬,而是他過去所造的惡業找上門了。他死前必須承受極大的痛苦,因此,行為舉止變得非常反常。今天他死期已到,下地獄去了。」 佛陀結語道:「作惡者因其所造之惡業,必受惡報;今生痛苦,來世亦然。惡業之果報,永無逃脫計。」
[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada]
015 Evil-Doers Suffer Here and Hereafter
Idha socati pecca socati Pāpakārī ubhayattha socati So socati so vihaññati Disvā kammakiliṭṭham attano
Here he grieves, hereafter he grieves. In both states the evil-doer grieves. He grieves; he is afflicted, perceiving the impurity of his own deeds.
今世悲苦受,來世悲苦受, 造作惡業者,兩處悲苦受。 彼見己惡業,故悲傷苦惱。
NOTES 註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers; Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede
Idha: (adv) here, hither, in this world Socati: to mourn Pecca: (ger) having departed, after death, in the next world or existence, hereafter Pāpa: (adj) evil, bad, wicked, sinful (n) evil, sin, demerit (m) a sinner Kārī: (adj) doing, acting Pāpakārī: (m) a sinner, evil-doer Ubhayattha: (adv) in both places, in both cases So: (pron. nom.) he Vihaññati: to be vexed, grieved, afflicted pp. vihata: destroyed, impaired Passati: to see, look at, behold, observe; to see with the mind, learn, know, understand; to discover, find, meet with ger. disvā Kamma: (n) doing, action, work, deed, labor, business; a religious act, karma Kiliṭṭha: (pp. kilissati) afflicted, suffering; depraved, sinful, polluted, soiled Kilissati: to suffer, to be injured; to be depraved, be disgraced Kammakiliṭṭha: (n) evil actions, demerit Attano: (gen/dat. attā) of oneself, one’s
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