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故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。
《法句經》第19偈與第20偈的故事相同,其中深意頗值得玩味。話說有兩位比丘,同樣出身良好家庭,也是莫逆之交。其中一位不但精研經律論三藏,也擅長記誦說法。他教導許多弟子,成為十八群比丘的導師。另一位較年長,專心致志修習內觀,精勤不懈,終於證得阿羅漢果及種種觀智。 某日,證悟的比丘前往祇園精舍向佛陀頂禮,兩位好友見了面。精通三藏的比丘有眼無珠,不曉得朋友已經蹐身阿羅漢,竟然輕視他,認為這個老比丘對殊勝法只略識之無。因此,他決定出幾道法義問題為難老友。佛陀明察秋毫,知道那位博學比丘的不善意圖,也明白嘲弄證悟的聖者,他必然會嚐到苦果。 因此,出於慈悲,佛陀特地探視這兩位比丘,阻止博學比丘嘲弄他的朋友。如何阻止呢?佛陀親自提問,考問博學比丘關於禪定與證果的問題,這些都得透過實地禪修才能達到更高的成就,那位光說不練的三藏大師,博學歸博學,可答不出了。實修證得阿羅漢的比丘對答如流,輕鬆回答了所有問題。佛陀當即贊美老實修行悟法的比丘,對那位博學比丘則一句稱讚也沒有。 常住弟子可納悶了,為何佛陀讚許那位老比丘,而不是他們的博學老師?佛陀觀機開示,博學比丘固然博覽群經,卻未依法修行,就好比一個牧牛人,為著工資照料牛群。實修者則像主人,充分取用牛隻的五種產品(牛奶、奶酪、酥油、牛尿、牛糞)。所以呢,學問淵博的老師只得到弟子的服務,而非聖道的真實利益。反觀那位老比丘,他雖然讀的很少,只會記誦一點兒,但他清楚了悟法的真髓,並勤勉修行,根絕了貪瞋痴。他的心已從一切染著中全然解脫,不再執著於今生或來世,他真實受用聖道的利益。 故事頗富啟發性,不期然想起明代憨山大師所云:「能解不依空費力,日誦萬卷也徒然。」
[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada]
019 Learning Without Practice Is of No Worth
Bahum pi ce sahitaṃ bhāsamāno Na takkaro hoti naro pamatto Gopo’va gāvo gaṇayaṃ paresaṃ Na bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti
Though much he recites the Sacred Texts, but acts not accordingly, that heedless man is like a cowherd who counts others’ kine. He has no share in the fruits of the Holy Life.
020 Learning Without Practice Is of No Worth
Appam pi ce sahitaṃ bhāsamāno Dhammassa hoti anudhammacārī Rāgañ ca dosañ ca pahāya mohaṃ Sammappajāno suvimuttacitto Anupādiyāno idha vā huraṃ vā Sa bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti
Though little he recites the Sacred Texts, but acts in accordance with the teaching, forsaking lust, hatred and ignorance, truly knowing, with mind well freed, clinging to naught here and hereafter, he shares the fruits of the Holy Life.
雖多誦經文,放逸不依法, 如牧數他牛,不獲沙門果。
雖少誦經文,遵教如法行, 息滅貪瞋痴,正智心解脫, 不著今後世,彼獲沙門果。
NOTES 註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers; Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede
Bahu: (adj) much, many; large, ample pl. bahū, bahavo Ce: (adv) even, if Sahita: (adj) endowed with, accompanied by; united, connected with (n) text of the Buddhist scriptures Saṃhita: (=sahita pp. sandahati / sandheti) fitted or equipped with, possessed of Bhāsati: to speak, say, address ppr. bhāsamāna Takkara: (adj) doing that (m) one who does that Na takkaro hoti: is not a doer thereof Nara: (m) a man Pamatta: (pp. pamajjati) slothful, indolent, careless, reckless Pamajjati: to delay, waste one’s time, be heedless, be negligent Gopa: (m) a cowherd, a herdsman Va, iva, viya: (part.) like, as Go: (m/f) a bull, an ox, a cow pl. gāvo Gaṇeti, gaṇayati: to count, reckon, do sums; to consider, care for, regard ppr. gaṇayaṃ Paresaṃ: (gen. para) of others Bhāga: (m) a share, portion; region, quarter, side; time; lot, destiny Bhāgavā: (m) one who has a share Sāmañña: (n) state of being an ascetic, or a Buddhist priest; monasticism
Appa: (adj) little, moderate, slight, few Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion Anudhammacārī: (m) living according to the Dhamma Rāga: (m) human passion, desire, lust, dyeing, attachment, greed Dosa: (m) anger, hatred Pajahati: to forsake, abandon, give up, renounce, get rid of, escape from Ger. pahāya Moha: (m) delusion, error, folly, infatuation, ignorance; fainting, loss of consciousness Sammappajāna: (m) having right knowledge Suvimuttacitta: (m) with a well emancipated mind Upādiyati: to take hold of, cling to the world, have attachment ppr. upādiyāna, upādiyamāna Anupādiyāna: not clinging to the world, free from attachment Idha: (adv) here, hither, in this world Vā: (conj) or Huraṃ: (adv) in the other world, in another birth or existence Sa: (=so) he
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