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故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。
《法句經》第16偈的主角是達彌迦(Dhammika)。Dhammika 這個巴利字意謂「虔敬的」、「如法的」、「正直的」、「正派的」、「公正的」等等與 Dhamma 有關的正面含義。達彌迦不負所名,是一位虔誠篤信的善士。他住在舍衛城,是佛陀的在家弟子,也是許多在家信眾的領袖,不論平日或特殊節慶,總是慷慨布施食物與其他資具。他生養不少孩子,有其父必有其子,同樣樂善好施。 達彌迦逐漸老邁,重病臥床。彌留之際,他請求僧眾到病床邊誦經。當比丘們念誦《大念處經》(Mahā-Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta)時,達彌迦眼前出現一個殊勝的景象,六輛裝飾華美的馬車分別來自六個天界,爭相邀請他前往各自的世界*。達彌迦惟恐打斷誦經,發出微弱的聲音,請馬車暫等片刻。不料比丘們誤以為達彌迦要他們停止誦經,於是停下離去。 過了一會兒,達彌迦告訴孩子六輛馬車正等著他的事兒。當下,他決定搭乘來自兜率天(Tusita-devaloka)的馬車,滿懷著歡喜與信心往生。 佛陀因此事說此偈,善者不但今生喜樂洋溢,來世亦然。
31種境界 http://www.accesstoinsight.org/ptf/dhamma/sagga/loka.html
[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada]
016 Happy Are the Well-Doers Here and Hereafter
Idha modati pecca modati Katapuñño ubhayattha modati So modati so pamodati Disvā kammavisuddham attano
Here he rejoices, hereafter he rejoices. In both states the well-doer rejoices. He rejoices, exceedingly rejoices, perceiving the purity of his own deeds.
今世喜樂受,來世喜樂受, 造作善業者,兩處喜樂受。 彼見己善業,故歡欣喜悅。
NOTES 註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers; Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede
Idha: (adv) here, hither, in this world Modati: to rejoice, to enjoy oneself, to be happy Pecca: (ger) having departed, after death, in the next world or existence, hereafter Puñña: (n) good works, goodness, virtue, pious act, righteousness, merit Katapuñña: (m) one who has done meritorious deeds, a well-doer Ubhayattha: (adv) in both places, in both cases So: (pron. nom.) he Pamodati: to rejoice (in) [+loc.] pp. pamudita Passati: to see, look at, behold, observe; to see with the mind, learn, know, understand; to discover, find, meet with ger. disvā Kamma: (n) doing, action, work, deed, labor, business; a religious act, karma Visuddha: (pp. visujjhati) clear, bright, pure, holy, sanctified, correct Kammavisuddha: (n) pure deeds Attano: (gen/dat. attā) of oneself, one’s
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