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《南傳法句經》第 40 


故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。


  《法句經》第 40 偈的故事挺好玩的,修行人行走八方,若不幸碰鬼遇妖,該如何對治?話說舍衛城有一群比丘從佛陀那兒獲得各自的禪修業處後,就離城雲遊遠方,來到一座適合修行的廣大森林。住在林中守護樹木的精靈看見這群訪客,覺得出家人若停留在林子裡,那麼他們就不宜棲息在樹上。他們以為比丘們只停留一夜,於是就暫時下樹來到地面。沒想到過了十四天,比丘們仍然留在森林裡。他們靈光一閃,莫非這些僧侶打算在此結夏安居,待到雨季結束?果真如此,他們和家族就將被迫在地面生活很長一段時間。是可忍,孰不可忍!為了嚇走這群不速之客,樹精們決定發出鬼哭神號,並幻化出種種恐怖景像,比如有身無頭、或有頭無身的鬼魅等等。比丘們被鬧得坐立難安,只好離開森林,回舍衛城向佛陀稟報原委。佛陀說,之所以會發生這種事,是因為他們沒有帶著任何武器就貿然前去。佛陀要弟子們再回去,但這回得先準備好適當的武器。啥武器呢?出家人慈悲為懷,不宜舞刀動劍,最好的武器,自然非《慈經》莫屬了。佛陀教導他們整部《慈經》,當作重返森林的武裝。




[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada


040 Fortify Your Mind and Be Non-Attached


Kumbhūpama kāyam ima viditvā

Nagarūpama cittam ida hapetvā

Yodhetha māra paññāyudhena

Jitañ ca rakkhe anivesano siyā



Realizing that this body is (as fragile) as a jar, establishing this mind (as firm) as a (fortified) city, he should attack Māra with the weapon of wisdom. He should guard his conquest and be without attachment.










註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;

Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede


Kumbha: (m) a water-pot, jar, vessel, pitcher

Upama: (adj) like, similar, equal

Upamā: (f) comparison, similarity, simile, illustration, parable, allegory

Kāya: (m) body, collection, multitude.

Ayaṃ: (pron. m/f. nom.) this, it, he, etc.   (n) idaṃ, imaṃ   [acc.] (m/f) imaṃ   (n) idaṃ, imaṃ

Vidati: to know, ascertain     ger. viditvā: having known, learned, perceived, understood   pp. vidita     pfp. veditabba: to be known or understood

Nagara: (n) a stronghold, citadel, fortress; a (fortified) town, city

Citta: (n) the mind, consciousness, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention Ṭhapeti: (caus. of tiṭṭhati) to cause to stand, make firm, establish; place, set up, fix; arrange, appoint to   ger. ṭhapetvā

Yodheti: (caus. of yujjhati) to attack, fight against [+acc.]   opt. yodhetha (= pahareyya) {paharati: to strike, hit, beat  pp. pahaṭa}

Māra: (m) Death, the Tempter; the Evil principle; killing; passions

Paññā: (f) reason, wisdom, insight, knowledge, recognition

Āyudha / āvudha: (n) a weapon

Jita: (n) victory, conquest {Here, it means the newly developed insight, vipassanā.}   (pp. of jayati): conquered, subdued, mastered

Rakkhati: to protect, shelter, save, preserve; to observe, guard, take care of, control   opt. 3rd sing. rakkhe, rakkheyya

Nivesana: (n) entering, entrance, settling; resting-place, dwelling, settlement, abode, house, home   (fig.) settling on, attachment, clinging to

Anivesana: (metaphorically, = anālaya) free from attachment

Siyā: (opt. of atthi, 3rd/2nd sing.) one should be





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