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2018/01/01 08:36:25瀏覽1351|回應1|推薦81 | |
歲 晨
鬆鬆體,調調息,定神吸氣。 舊歲畢,新春蒞, 行事曆,必需重計。
其原委,卑鄙愚昧。 實悲慘!
或許我還需要 再寫幾首酸辣詩, 普網於講闈。
期能勸更多人 續把同情同理心, 普施與廣被。
New Year's Morning
Relax my body, ease my breath, vitalize my energy and mind. Open my eyes, look long at the sky, air and light are pure and mild.
Old year ended, new year begins, things should be planned again.
Those matters of rubbish, things of insignificant.
What an embarrassment and dis-satisfaction!
If I cannot leave a legacy for some generations, at least, some poetry, worthy of recitation.
Punch with my fists, kick with my feet, physical power has slightly dropped. Connect both spirits, set my heart, mental point is still rather sharp.
Think about the world, all those bitterness, ignorance and baseness.
Enormity and violence, Poverty and decadence, people are really miserable, truly need a liberation!
Perhaps we should revive the old morality, and add new wisdom by way of education.
Perhaps, to the podium, I’d post more poignant poems, persuade more humans, to be sympathetic and humane.
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