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2017/12/08 06:01:57瀏覽3538|回應3|推薦83 | |
邦党禽獸何相像? 也有梟鷹與虎狼。 持強淩異争勢糧, 獨霸結夥亦互傷。
宵小蟲畜何所殊? 也有蛇蠍與狐鼠。 鑽纏戰騙争利祿, 加害追捕亦互毒。
為政貴能行王道, 仁德聚擁成英豪。 長行不義必被斃, 高樓柱腐會自倒。
為人須要憑良心, 正義衍生真金銀。 邪花必定結惡果, 榮華風易變土糞。
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Benevolence and Conscience
How similar are those countries, parties, beasts and birds? They all have owls, eagles, wolves and tigers.
For foods and fulfillers, the stronger attack the weaker and stranger, individually or together, the same specie even attack each other.
What are the difference among animals, reptiles, villains and connivers? They all have foxes and rats, scorpions and vipers.
For benefits and positions, they fight and fool, pester and pull, punish, persecute, capture and devour, Then even drug and poison each other.
As a politician, one must act the benevolent way. Virture and benevolence can get supports to achieve heroically.
Long time of injustice will be justified eventually. High building on rotting columns will collapse someday inevitably.
As the people, one must act conscientiously. Justice and conscience can beget things really golden and silvery.
Evil flowers bear evil fruits. Glory and luxury, if they are gotten unconscientiously, when the wind changes, can be turned into dirt and dung ironically.
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