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2018/01/25 23:21:59瀏覽1346|回應1|推薦70 | |
話 情
妹妹有點遲鈍, 也不會努力工作, 所以她的一生, 一塊錢也沒存過。
哥哥比較聰明, 也願意努力工作, 因此他的人生, 已頗有幾筆存託。
她也算是不幸, 忽然得了重病。
媽媽打電話給兒子, 請幫幫她的女兒。
在那頭接電話的, 是她的媳婦兒。
「所以,她才終於, 想起了她的哥哥。 她們從來,就連電話 也不給我們一個。」
「哦, 這是我的過錯。 請你不要怪她。 我怕會打擾你們, 拒絕告知你的號碼。」
「那麼,請您告訴我, 她的兩種號碼! 現在,這裡重洋遠隔, 我會先打電話給她!」
這是一首實驗性的,沒有詩味的詩。 英文原詩附後 並請批評指正
The Call
Sister is slightly retarded, also won’t work hard, so she has never saved even a single dollar.
Brother is rather smarter, also willing to work harder, so he has already saved quite a lot in dollars.
She is also unfortunate, a serious disease seized her.
Mother calls her son to help her daughter.
Answerer at the other end is her daughter-in-law.
“So, she finally remembers her brother now. She has never given us, even not a call.”
“Oh, It’s, I am to blame. Please do not blame her. Avoiding she might disturb you, I refused to tell her your number.”
“So, please tell me her two kinds of numbers! Now, here, overseas, I’ll first and hurriedly call her!”
這是一首實驗性的,沒有詩味的詩。 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |