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2018/02/23 06:19:18瀏覽2217|回應4|推薦103 | |
重 逢
重逢時空似隔世, 但經審視猶相識。 相視無語又多時, 頭點唇顫始啟齒。 . 請問葉兄可吉祥? 風摧雨殘已折逝。 請問蕾姐可安康?
何時何處能重逢? 相逢均非在夢中。 此詩只記五分鐘, 前後皆空並不空。
若把前後皆補齊, 愛恨情誼濃更痛。 有喜春露花中滴, 更慟秋霜花叢凍。
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Reunion it was like in another world. recognized each other with care.
After more speechless and motionless steady stare, heads nodding, lips quivering, finally squeezed out some words.“How is brother Leaf? Is he lucky and safe?” he has been swept away.”
Is she in good health?” she has been ruined as well.”
When and where can people re-get together? it’s not a dreamy matter.
a time of only five minutes. Things are not empty at the front and back ends. are additionally written, are deeper and different.
when spring dew made the flowers open.
when autumn frost made the flowers frozen.
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