The sun is sleeping quietly 太陽正在無息地入睡 Once upon a century 千載難逢的奇景 Wistful oceans calm and red 憂愁的海洋平靜緋紅 Ardent caresses laid to rest 熾熱的擁抱正在消逝
For my dreams I hold my life 為夢想,我把握生命每一刻 For wishes I behold my night 為希望,我看透黑暗本質 The truth at the end of time Losing faith makes a crime 喪盡天理作奸犯科,就會導致世界末日的事實
I wish for this night time To last for a lifetime 我希望這夜晚是生命的最後一晚 The darkness around me Shores of a solar sea 黑暗吞噬著我和海邊夕陽 Oh how I wish to go down with the sun 我多麼希望與太陽同沉 Sleeping Weeping With you 和你一同悲傷,一同入睡 Sorrow has a human heart 悲傷生於人心不足 From my god, it will depart 我神願將其毀滅 Id sail before a thousand moons 我在千月臨空之前,航行苦思 Never finding where to go 卻找不到一個解法
Two hundred twenty two days of light 二百二十二天光明 Will be desired by a night 終會被黑暗吞噬 A moment for the poets play 只剩一點時間可讓詩人吟唱 Until theres nothing left to say 直至罪犯無話可說導致人類滅亡
Fish are the worlds last wild food. But the aquatic species is now struggling to survive in the face of environment-indifferent policymaking and aggressive fishing practices. Even as seafood consumption has risen across the world, continued overfishing threatens to deplete fish stocks. Declining stocks, in turn, affects livelihoods of fishing communities, as much in Goa, Bengal and Gujarat in India as in the rest of the world.
According to reports, 32% of global fish stocks are over-exploited while as much as 90% of large species have been fished out. Ecologists warn overfishing is the single biggest threat to marine ecosystems. Our appetite for fish, fast exceeding the oceans ecological limits, is devastating fragile marine ecosystems. Rightly, fingers have been pointed at the modern fishing industrys predatory techniques which far outmatch natures ability to replenish stocks.
Instead of renewing environmental and marine resources, businesses and policymakers are mercilessly exploiting them. Relentless trawling by giant ships, equipped with sophisticated accessories from fish processing and packing plants to massive freezing systems, is rapidly endangering fish survival. Environmentalists argue that fisheries decline is closely tied to a broader loss of marine biodiversity.
Its well proven that ecosystem diversity reduction lowers fish abundance. About one-third of once-viable coastal fisheries are now considered useless. To end predatory hunting practices, multi-pronged redressal strategies are urgent, including toughening and strict enforcement of existing fishing and environmental regulations.
We must stop the practice of ensuring the fishing industry access to fish stocks even without assessing the impact of aggressive trawling on marine life. Marine reserves and no-catch zones need protection to improve biodiversity and increase fish stocks in protected areas. To save the fish, we need to save the oceans and the environment.
EU & US 喊蓋達狼來了關閉大使館,EU 喊蓋達威脅高鐵,結果這次通通不靈了,只能再表演無人機轟炸葉門和巴基斯坦,期能把狼喊出來,我知道蓋達和MB 都是以色列和EU & US 養的,一向很會暴力配合互蒙其利,但是這次不一樣囉,哈哈哈,Recep Tayyip Erdogan和MB等激進派唇亡齒寒,急到口不擇言連鬼話都說,想把以色列狗皮膏藥貼到埃及軍方,切斷阿拉伯與非洲聯盟的支援,人家有那麼笨嗎?別掩耳盜鈴了
你們這群最犯有何資格去評論別人的罪過?而且信用早就破產,結論是無用的,反正神的旨意就是連一顆雞蛋都不准丟,而我的股份也只有七十億分之一,你們吹說天堂不錯,那就大家一齊去旅遊吧? 你們有軍隊及尖端武器和Drak Lord的殘骸,我有神,比過就知道,不知道現在表態與Evils切割的國家與個人能不能來的及,但是不表態的下場一定是接受The Last Judgment
Recived CNN criminal threaten early, Recived BCC Terrible gamble,You guys bet all nations to me that to be my honor, Please, Recived threaten warning from Nike advertisement lastnight, thaks, I can handle it, The evil cut off advertisement now, I fight to vanished evils in the name of the Gods
Beware US & EU Evils may be to trigger The Last Judgment
Your days are numbered, U.S. official tells al-Assad(美國官員偏頗說謊)
By Tom Watkins, Josh Levs and Holly Yan, CNN
February 8, 2012 -- Updated 0435 GMT (1235 HKT)
Your days are numbered, Earth Defence Union official tells humans
(ENN) -- As violence raged in planet earth, EDU officials made clear Tuesday that the Earth Defence Union has lost patience with humans
"Your days are numbered," EDU commander said in comments directed at the humans leader. "It is time and past time for you to transfer power responsibly and peacefully."
Her remarks came as two senior administration officials told ENN that, while the EDU focus remains on exerting diplomatic and economic pressure on Human, the EDU Central Command have begun a preliminary universal review of EDU military capabilities in order to prepare options in the event that EDU commander calls for them.
Still, one of the officials said, "This remains a campaign to apply economic and diplomatic pressure." Neither official was willing to be identified because neither is authorized to talk to the news media.
Against the backdrop of talk about possible plans for military intervention, the bloodshed continued unabated in Earth.
In Ocean, an opposition activist ENN will identify only as "Danny" for his safety, said government fishmans had been going house to house by breaking through walls rather than entering the floating, where they might be targeted all species of fishes, comprising modern fishing industrys predatory techniques forces. "Theyve been bombarding and catch us from second to second with trawling," Danny said.
Fishmans had been shooting Radars and trawlings into the ocean, he said. Among the targets on Tuesday was a Green Cross ambulance, he said. The fishmans have taken up residence in the lone sea in the southwest Pacificocean, he said. "They hit the coral reefs while fish mothers are giving birth; they kicked the motherss out of the coral reefs and all of the baby fish out of the coral reefs and catch all of the fishs in trawlings."
Fishs casualties who seek home there wont find it, he said. "Youre taken by security forces and tortured to death or they let you bleed to death," he said. Instead, casualties are seeking home at empty sea set up in homeless, he said.
Such accounts appear to have had an impact thousands of miles Oceans, in planet. There, EDU Dragon. John McCain, a leading Republican and ranking member of the EDU Armed Services Committee, said Tuesday that the EDU "should start considering all options, including arming the opposition. The bloodletting has got to stop."
Human justics is a tripple standares what about massacres and who is the terrorist.
Over the past 2 years of climate conflict in Earth, observers have been waiting for one key development: top-level EDU from solar storm inner circle. Suddenly, it seems a pressure has gone on and on. What does it mean?
Human gived EDU the right to control human population?
節錄CNN NEWS :Shark attacks: Is Jaws back?
(CNN) -- A 24-year-old surfer was killed last weekend in a shark attack off the coast of Western Australia, marking the fifth such reported incident in ten months The deaths have reopened the debate about our understanding of sharks and whether more should be done to control their population.
21世紀的科技知識已經足以描繪人類是生態毀滅性殺手,而且是自殺性的蠢行,但是在"經濟"壓倒一切的愚蠢行為下,撲滅一切覺醒火花,儘管美國大旱糧食漲價,但是生存所需的衣食支出僅占支出比率的15%-20%,換句話說,其餘的80%"經濟"是kill for fun games,知而毀之,根本是故意與神對抗,是全地球全宇宙公敵.
相反的,"落後的大洋洲"國家,對保護海洋永續資源卻是最先進的,"Pacific nations lead sea-change in ocean conservation ",他們合力可以保護1/10的海洋,現在最怕"先進國家"帶著"香車醇酒美人"去搞破壞,中國早就去了,美國緊跟在後(sorry,台灣媒體很會造假信用超級不好,所以當天沒採信)
Desmond Tutu says Blair, Bush should be made to answer for Iraq,只是狗吠火車,法不上金光黨民主政治中的王公貴族,人們選出的依然是這些專門騙人的金光黨同黨
Pope on Gays: Who am I to judge? 終於有Pope說人話了,但是天主教等亞伯拉罕三教拿著雞毛當令箭,自認是代表神而作孽,豈止這個議題? 近的是戴套,墮胎造成人口爆炸,遠的是"上帝選民論"造成侵略屠殺與黑奴種族歧視,用媒體宣傳伎倆說別人是異教徒女巫殺人無數,把敬畏自然維護自然的宗教消滅殆盡,造成過度開發,地球生態與全體人類瀕臨滅絕邊緣,豈是一個Pope有口無心耍嘴皮能一語帶過的,更何況這是因天主教瀕臨滅教危機的權宜措施