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2012/01/03 14:01:52瀏覽2308|回應1|推薦47





先看Note To God這首點閱率約七百萬的祈禱文,是不是主僕顛倒,光祈禱有做事情嗎?隨便寫個Note 給神,你是主嗎?如果你只愛神不愛你的家人並推而廣之,那就代表你愛神是因為他能幫你,這是對價關係,神也會唾棄你



Note To God

If I wrote a note to God
I would speak what's in my soul
I'd ask for all the hate to be swept away(當你妹妹弄壞洋娃娃,你恨的咬牙切齒)
And for love to overflow(人都是自私的,恨的力量都會先出,愛無私是要靠修身行神道,不是要求神幫你服務,OK?)

If I wrote a note to God
I'd pour my heart out on each page(言行不符)
I'd ask for wars to end(戰爭來自貪婪,你需要宣揚修身行神道,而不是不斷貪婪引發戰爭,卻要求神幫你擺平,你是主嗎?)
And for peace to mend this world
I'd say, I'd say, I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through(當你發願要幫神行道,自然會有力量)
Help us find love cause love is overdue(你用對方法愛你的家人了嗎?從這邊往外推吧)
And it seems like so much is goin' wrong(主僕顛倒當然一切都是錯的)
On this road we're on

If I wrote a note to God
I'd say please help us find our way
End all the bitterness(去除自私貪婪行神之道...愛,是每天的功課與修養,要神幫你,你是主嗎?)
Put some tenderness in our hearts
And I'd say, I'd say, I'd say






色受想形識五韻皆空,諸法皆空,就會不在意生老病死,不在意乾淨混濁,不在意得失,不在意五官感覺,心無罣礙,所以不會感到恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,就能除一切苦,就是釋迦摩尼佛悟出的得道"生老病死"是自然共生,當你做到看空一切,你就是觀自在菩薩, 行深般若波羅蜜多時,身如白雪心似雲,隨遇而安與大自然共生





觀自在菩薩 , 行深般若波羅蜜多時 , 照見五蘊皆空 , 度一切苦厄 , 舍利子 , 色不異空 , 空不異色 , 色即是空 , 空即是色 , 受想行識 , 亦復如是 , 舍利子 , 是諸法空相 , 不生不滅 , 不垢不淨 , 不增不減 , 是故空中無色 , 無受想行識 , 無眼耳鼻舌身意 , 無色聲香味觸法 , 無眼界 , 乃至無意識界 , 無無明 , 亦無無明盡 , 乃至無老死 , 亦無老死盡 , 無苦集滅道 , 無智亦無得 , 以無所得故 , 菩提薩埵 , 依般若波羅蜜多故 , 心無罣礙 , 無罣礙故 , 無有 恐怖 , 遠離顛倒夢想 , 究竟涅槃 , 三世諸佛 , 依般若波羅蜜多故 , 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩 提 , 故知般若波羅蜜多 , 是大神咒 , 是大明咒 , 是無上咒 , 是無等等咒 , 能除一切苦 , 真實不虛 , 故說般若波羅蜜多咒 , 即說咒曰 , 揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶



























































不論要貫徹神的旨意或者挽救生態危機,都必須要人類放棄自私與本位主義,宗教不是藉口,愛國不是藉口,統獨只是政客要奪權的殺人武功祕笈,分裂殺一次,統一更要好好的殺, 真是七殺碑











轉載 小修


NIGHTWISH - IMAGINARIUM 魔幻聖地 唱片行($429)、網路通路($388)都可以看到了喜歡快去收一張! storytime第一次看MV被嚇到就算了(豐滿的Anette咬蘋果那一幕太震撼我了=口=!!) 可能第一次聽筆電喇叭真的太爛嗎... 默默的當下真的覺得滿失望 後來整張用耳機聽,才發現整張都超棒! 這首也很喜歡,而且自己覺得越聽越好聽 就找歌詞翻看看呵呵~ (PS.這首裡面的Gaia在古希臘神話是希臘地區最"初始"的大地女神, 且她並沒有像耶和華按自己形象創造誰誰誰,所以我想不是她 imagined all,就當下一句主詞好了....應該都可以啦當參考)

It was the night before ,When all through the world,No words, no dreams 魔鬼盤據的漫漫長夜,世界還是處於無人信守諾言,毫無希望.

 - then, one day   - 接著,那一天

A writer by a fire 一位寫者經由熱情而生

 Imagined all Gaia 想像出了所有萬物生靈 蓋婭

Took a journey into a child-man's heart 搭上前往一個童心未泯者的內心旅程

A painter on the shore 一位畫家就在岸濱

Imagined all the world 描繪出了所有世間宇宙

Within a snowflake on his palm 在一片雪花落在掌心上融化瞬間

Unframed by poetry 沒有被詩歌韻文所框架

A canvas of awe 這是幅代表敬畏的畫作

Planet Earth falling back into the stars 行星地球向後退卻回渾沌原點


I am the voice of Never-Never-Land 我是永恆的聲音

The innocence, the dreams of every man 純真爛漫,是每個凡夫的美夢

I am the empty crib of Peter Pan 我是彼得潘空空如也的小床

A silent kite against the blue blue sky 一隻寂靜風箏飛翔於無雲藍天

Every chimney, every moonlit sight 每一個炊煙裊裊的黃昏,每一幅月光照耀的景象

I am the story that will read you real 我是那個故事,真正讀懂你的故事

Every memory that you hold dear 是每一段使你珍惜保有的回憶

I am the journey 我是旅程

I am the destination 我是目的地

I am the home 我是原點

The tale that reads you 故事傳說覺察洞悉你

A way to taste the night 一個細細品嚐黑夜的方法

The elusive high 難以捉摸的故事高潮

Follow the madness 就緊緊跟著狂嘯怒火

Alice, you know once did Imaginarium愛麗絲,妳知道那次曾經  魔幻聖地

A dream emporium 一座夢境般的都會城市

Caress the tales 輕撫呵護著這美麗故事

And they will dream you real 而它們將讓你夢想成真

A story teller's game 是一個故事說者的遊戲

Lips that intoxicate 是雙唇使一切狂喜陶醉

The core of all life is a Limitless chest of dreams 所有生息萬物的中心是一個  擁有無窮盡開闊心胸的幻爛美夢 [CHORUS]

I am the voice of Never-Never-Land 我是永恆的聲音

The innocence, the dreams of every man 那些純真爛漫,就是每個凡夫的完美夢境

Searching heavens for another Earth 正為著地球尋找著另一種極樂天堂





古時候宗教是自然神,講求的是Nature right,人需在敬畏大自然力量下求生

現在的宗教講求的是Human right,所以迎合人類私心屠殺大自然









This Hymn of the IsIs was found 3rd or 4th century BCE, discovered in Nag Hammadi



亞伯拉罕三教嫖竊造謠  Hymn of the IsIs 的部分用括符註解 


 For I am the first and the last(耶和華的招牌騙術,我是唯一真神創造世界,穆罕默德的"最後一個神僕")

I am the prostitute and the saint(天堂與地獄,原諒與最後毀滅)

I am the wife and the virgin(聖母瑪莉亞)

And it was my man who created me(夏娃是亞當的肋骨做的)

Always respect me, For I am the shameful and the magnificent one(跟牧師證婚詞很像)


IsIs 是埃及的神,以這詩詞來看,你不能稱呼他為女神,他沒性別,他是尼羅河的神,在尼羅河氾濫與重生中,教導人民如何融入自然求生,但是他不只是尼羅河的神

 Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, goddess of the Sky,但是他又說,I am the mother of my father,這樣的毀滅與再生的宇宙觀很難讓當時的人了解(也可以解釋為水在地球產生孕育生命與毀滅,描訴水的三態在天地循環,不增不減不介入,但是沒水就沒生命,所以Isis是生命之母),更何況是笨貪又復仇心重的猶太人所能理解的,斷章取義,拼八湊的剪刀醬糊竟然可以騙人一千多年,打下這麼大的基業,



Hymn of the IsIs


For I am the first and the last(我是生命的起源,沒有我就沒有生命)

I am the venerated and the despised(當乾旱的時候我受到尊敬,當風調雨順我受到鄙視)

I am the prostitute and the saint(當我氾濫成災人們罵我是娼妓,當缺水時候我又變成聖人)

I am the wife and the virgin(我供給生命成長,但我還是純潔無暇)

I am the mother and the daughter(水的三態循環,我既是母親也是女兒)

I am the arms of my mother(我是大海母親的手臂)

I am barren and my children are many(我雖然不生育,但是我滋養萬物)

I am the married woman and the spinster(我雖介入生命,但是我還是我)

I am the woman who gives birth and she(我雖然生育眾生,但從來不生產生命)
who never procreated

I am the consolation for the pain of birth(我是生命誕生的慰藉)

I am the wife and the husband(我既是妻子也是丈夫)

And it was my man who created me(天上的雨產生了我)

I am the mother of my father(天上的雲卻是我蒸發後產生的)

I am the sister of my husband(我和我的雨水丈夫其實是兄弟姊妹)

And he is my rejected son(但是他卻是我蒸發後放棄的兒子)

Always respect me, (永遠尊敬我)

For I am the shameful and the magnificent one 不論我讓你覺得可恥或者是榮耀

其實埃及還不一定是文明源頭,先聽現在所能找到人類的最早的音樂,3400 year old "Hurrian Hymn no.6", 一個簡單的樂器就能彈出如此精彩,如果能解出其他的樂章,應該是龐大的交響樂,我應該說,這3400年白過了,人類沒進步反而退步了





Where is the cradle of civilizatio no more but the cradle of suicide bomber, The trust territory of death God

Paper is dead without words, Ink idle without a poem, All the world dead without stories (Nightwish - Song of Myself(with Lyrics) )




 古埃及人死亡之書記錄著太陽神Atum的誕生可以被追溯到一個外形長得像蛇的一團霧水的地方,這就是我們太陽誕生的銀河系懸臂的形狀,而他口中吐出了god Shu and goddess Tefnut, 應該就是地球與月亮,但是埃及的九柱神名稱與功能在WIKI 的資料與傳統的蓋亞大地之母有所差異,只需稍加調換就可以完成太陽地球月亮與地球生態的大自然力量關係圖,可見神教導古埃及人非常用心,古埃及人對宇宙學雖然一知半解,但是在農業科學,文化哲學,音樂藝術與數學建築等成就非凡,古希臘應該是繼承其文化一部分來的,而現在文明骨幹大部分是繼承古希拉文化,可惜被亞伯拉罕三教搞得扭曲變形  

古埃及人的太陽神歷經傳承其名稱有所發散,但是大體上是一個鷹頭人身,頭上戴著一個被蛇環繞住的太陽的皇冠,這頂皇冠跟太陽是銀和蛇狀懸臂上一小點的比例差距太大,但是對古埃及人來說,能這樣記載已經非常不容易了,The Lord of rings 片尾出現的老鷹救星應該就預告了太陽神回到地球了


舊約聖經描訴他的造物者是誕生在黑暗的混沌大地,而且僅描訴了以色列周邊地形地貌,這對目不識丁看沒三尺遠的猶太牧羊人來說也頂不容易的,所以亂抄亂剪hymn-poem to Aten和"hymn to God Isis,荒唐可笑前後矛盾,新約聖經和古蘭經比黑手黨的幫規還黑暗,比王大娘的裹腳布還臭還長,自己說創造萬物,卻嫌自己創造的豬太髒不能吃,血太髒不能吃,品管不良心腸太黑...退貨銷毀


The Universe - ABBA "Arrival"  

 Destruction of the Lord of Rings

The Lord of Rings在埃及被銷毀了, The Dark Lord將和 Jerusalem 一起被摧毀,巨人和魔族若不逃走將一齊被埋葬


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Always respect me
2013/06/30 12:03

For I am the first and the last




Hymn to Isis




TonySky(TonySky) 於 2013-07-13 12:15 回覆:

Beyond The Pharaoh's Curse

(Music : Grefstad, Olsen / Lyrics : Grefstad).

Out in the desert many years ago
Two lovers were living in sin
Worst of all curses the pharaos gift
To be living as dead for eternity

Chorus :
Beware of the magic that dwells in dimensions
Beware of the curses that rules in this world
Beware of the magic that spells in the ancient
Beware of the curses that rules in this world

Lifetimes after the curse is awakened
There is no life to be spared
His only wish is to unite to his true love
Rule the world by her side

Chorus :

The warriors were battling for evil to vanish
To the realms of death
Slaughter of innocence claiming their souls
The curse begins to fall

Chorus :

That rules in this world
In this world
And the curse, the curse begins to fall
It falls, and the curse begins to fall
To fall, and the curse begins to fall


TonySky(TonySky) 於 2013-08-25 16:11 回覆:

God of Isis is the God of life,the Hymn decribed tripple state of water cycle,there have no water no life so call I am the first and the last,waterself can not generate life but life rely on water

People hold different view to the same water: insufficient:venerated, plenty : despised, flood : prostitute, drought :saint, But you got always respect it

The rain husband create wife Nile and The clouds is the father of Nile but the Nile water vaporize to generate the clouds as the mother of clouds as the rejected son

Water support life but remain pure virgin and it is consolation for the pain of birth

Hymn to Isis is a traces of which Gods teaching ancient human agriculture and science, ancient human's konwledge level cann't understand the science of unseen & untouchable but they recoded science from Gods by existing words and phrases

Hymn to Isis is a key to unveil the strange relationship of all ancient Gods, It could be a harmonic between varied nature powers, Gods also setting bans to protected the ecosystem, ancient human record as God name & Elves as keeper of earth

The first know man created religion is the "monotheistic God Aten" which created by personal experience of King Akhenaten,"The Hymn to the Aten" is straightforward and skin deep but more atractive to fools,PLS listen to Nightwish Elvenpath (Lord of the ring) "wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=HX4y13G­iR0c"

Water create life as creater , water have no sex to name Goddess, Life are biodiversity and circle no specify to human

Isis have no to declared that he is the Lord or Creater,he did not rule your lived a life,He only give you wisdom and asking you alaways respected him by heart (not by candle,no need church or mosque or temple)

Isis is a God no a slave guard to satisfy you health and wealth,I try to asking him to giving human wisdom to protecte ECOsystem

Identify the relationship between Isis,Osiris,Seth

The Seth is the God of drought, desert, sandstorm, It is the enemy of ground water

The wheat growing from Osiris body(water), The Set kill Osiris left small piece corpse distribute in Egypt(an oasis),Osiris Resurrection, rising from his bier(vaporizing and raining), Osis revive ground (crops) water by Nile once a year and some water become under ground water as lived in hell

In the Book of the Dead, the sun god Atum is said to have ascended from chaos-waters with the appearance of a snake(Our Sun created itself from Barred spiral galaxyan's arm which arm look like chaos-waters with the appearance of a snake)

Atum created the god Shu(Earth) and goddess(Moon) Tefnut by spitting them out of his mouth

The Gods is universe science and logic with sensible harmonic nature power

The fake God create itself for your money and life, the biggest capability is split water sorttime? but it only a tale

It is very difficult to teaching ancient human about Maintenance Ecosystem Diversity is the key for mankind eternity, The Gods present in various animal look to stop people kill wildlife and wear nature power symbol crown to remind human agriculture and science, The Gods are kindness and logically, It is more reasonable than to believe or to be killed I need slightly modify the relationship of the Ennead for logical relocation next time

The Gods have might knowledge and pure heart to delight our life and keep ecosystem

A religion ruin your life and perished The Earth to brag after life which is a dark Lord

Let's sing "Abba - SOS" for Gods

Delegation of responsibility: A parents rule a family, A mayor rule a city, A president rule a Nation

Can you believed a God rule your condom, veil, marriage...daily life and 24Hr serve your will as a loyalty slave, A God who know nothing about Earth and Sun which they insist he create the universe, he know nothing about agriculture and science but kill the one tell the truth, beware of a "Evil Ammit" waiting in a dark space call "heaven" to torment your soul

The Gods rule the Earth, Cosmos...

The Return of the Shadow: King Akhenaten who radically changed traditional forms of Egyptian religion replacing them with Atenism(Monotheism system). Akhenaten died, People return to the Gods system, But it is a time the Gods leaved and lost it blessed

after Many years later, a Jew revise "hymn-poem to Aten" to The Old Testament, it is a dark disaster for the world

Egypt is where the Lord of rings was forged

Epica - The Divine Conspiracy "youtube.com/watch?v=UFv-er8_j­dQ&feature=related"


TonySky(TonySky) 於 2013-08-25 16:45 回覆:

Destruction of the "Lord of Rings"

Graceful ancient Egyptian culture still 3000 years in advence of Islamic Egyptian today

Good wombs hath borne bad sons

Pls Listen to "The Kinslayer - Nightwish"

"Last November, many were appalled when a Muslim radical, Morgan Al-Gohary, appeared on talk show on a private TV channel and declared if he and his ilk ever came to power they would destroy some of Egypt's most revered monuments( the sphinx and the pyramids)"

Romanus,Islamic Persia & Osmâniyye has been doom a long time ago, People have had Stockholm syndrome which continue to destroying there own country like heathen

Pls read carefully and analysis logically about the tale of Abraham, Abraham lifetime behavior against all rules of Bible & Qur'an, But his God praise and admire Abraham evil behavior and gived him award like Bible describe Satan

Abraham is the root of Christian, Islamic and Judaism, Are you sure Abraham's God is the God no Evil?

Political dictatorial system can only rule your body, Religionary dictatorial system slaved your body and soul and after death, How to generate democracy flower from religionary dictatorial soil, beside all the democracy system in the world are cheating, such like NSA surveillance is a criminal against democracy, but so what? All Political party unite to "create" a law to against the people, I call it is Con Artist Ring democracy

Free your soul is the most important things

Peoples live like the living-dead men in Nile & Mesopotamia which used to be ancient cradle of civilization, they lost their pleasure to ceremony, they lost their creative to ruler, they lost their culture to violence

The ancient music of Nile & Mesopotamia is a harmonic symphony which make me delight

The Islamic world's music inherited ancient civilization but it make me nervous even the music with the belly dance, It is a horrible noise

Where is the cradle of civilization no more but the cradle of suicide bomber, The trust territory of death God

Paper is dead without words, Ink idle without a poem, All the world dead without stories (Nightwish - Song of Myself(with Lyrics) )

Political Con Artist Ring is one criminal gang which they divide to 2-3 groups, They perform againt each other show violence in daily basis, they attracts all peoples to the shows and storm others off, Individual country democracy system has been stole by a small gang and they linked international

Same thing happened at Abraham's religion's,The priests shows vigorously agitated againt "opponent", when some follower have been killed which is a good chance to permote themself(Top guy smile)

Egypt under Attack From Within and Without

Despite Us & EU shows vigorously agitated againt with al Qaeda, But the target of both side are to revive Islamic brotherhood in Egypt, this is a Con Artist Ring

How to play the Con Artist Ring, When they are weak that have to prepare step 123 to gain, Doing good to gain trust, convince you to believe in, soul controlled, then it is time to reveal there true colours

The fast expansion secret of Con Artist politician & religion is threaten and bribe and then bloodshed, fully utilize humanity weakness, They continue to create conflict and bloodshed for monopolize (world peace joke)

Many Gods with one Pharaoh in ancient, One "God" with many "Pharaohs" now

The "Lord God" tell a lie to Adam & Eve who eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil's fruit in the day that thou shalt surely die but does not.

The snake tell the truth , Death will not certainly come to you who eat the fruit but get the knowledge of good and evil

The evil can only to fake a man by he lost the soul and knowledge of good and evil, Beware the guy to declare himself to be a "Lord God" actually a evil and the guy to declare evil snake who may be the ture God

Only a pet can get free food in cage(Eden) lifelong and only a pit bull terrier can eat and fight by lord order lifelong, People living in the cradle of civilization who lost their imagination and soul to Dark Lord who disappointed me

PLS listen to "Nightwish - Nemo" watch out Tarja throw away a cross and Call the past( ancient Gods) for help and listen to "NIGHTWISH - Storytime" Anette saved a child from Evils by eating a fruit of " the tree of the knowledge of good and evil "

Nightwish - Elvenpath (Lyrics), youtube.com/watch?v=HX4y13GiR0­c

The great elven-smiths forged the Rings of Power ( Ring = ancient Gods)

But then the dark lord learned the craft of ring-making, And made the Master Ring(Abraham's one God religion)

Within Temptation - Fire And Ice (Official)

She accusing that the religion is liar and kill people's angle innocent, you can found the angles when you kick religion out

Yes, The evil steal the idea from Gods and slave people to against the Gods

The Lord of rings is a written prophesy that talking about Abraham's rings

The Mount Doom is in Egypt, where rings was forged, The flames is the MB flames of anger, The lava is the bloodshed of MB

The rings still not destroyed and looking for more evil bloodshed, it is looking for another host who thirst for power, The only way is all peoples in the world kick the evil religions out to save yourself and save the world

Lord of the Rings - Destruction of the Ring youtube.com/watch?v=7_L5SCfmBo­A

People expected the God will protect and peaceful to life, But the Abraham's rings play Con Artist Ring for bloodshed over 2000 years, I think the dark lord should be a guy who thirsty for blood and hungry for soul

Arab & Africa states would Position Yourself To Be Decisive, Do not dance with US & EU who are two face elite and virus, they have relationship with MB & al Qaeda

Turbulent Egypt & Syria will cost Arab & Africa states, Go help Egypt al-Sisi & Syria al-Assad

"Iron Maiden - Virus"

The interests of West elites is Turbulent Arab & Africa states which no only for cheap resource but to keep their domestic under surveillance to benefit financial group

Peace is the enemy of politician & religious where people see through they are liar & incompetent, So I can tell you how politician and religious play dirty games and may be include 911

People covet ring power and hearken to the evils of calling which is the power source of Dark Lord

"Nightwish - The Pharaoh Sails to Orion"

Despite the Muslim radicals leaders bombard the west leader by "Mouth cannon" sometime, but they dominated suicide bombed and power threaten domestic 24 hour a day, 365 days a year, Their true color is a betrayer and the soul hunter of The Dark Lord, The Con Artist rings of politician & religion game player

Destroy the rings by your heart, Your are not walked along.

"Epica - Cry For The Moon youtube.com/watch?v=3YngkKmGdu­Q"

It no God but Bloody Mary "Lady Gaga youtube.com/watch?v=DvTEbOSlOc­A"

TonySky(TonySky) 於 2013-08-25 16:54 回覆: