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[2009-4-12] 評論2009-2-12新聞〈一改敵意教廷:達爾文演化論符教義〉
2009/04/12 19:18:19瀏覽1280|回應13|推薦12



英語詞“evolution”的意思衹是演變、變化、邅變,基本詞義跟“change”差不多。有個生物學術語“progressive evolution”,這才是“進化”。漢語譯者當初直接用了日譯“進化”,這是個必須改正的歷史錯誤。




【生物會演化】是在達爾文起家之前就已經被生物學者普遍接受的觀點。“達爾文演化論”的核心是“達爾文-華萊士天擇理論”。生物的天擇演化機制是唯物論,無腦無心無神,演化的起點如此,演化的過程如此。達爾文自己很清楚他的天擇理論 -- 而不是【生物會演化】的理論 -- 與耶穌教的基本教義徹底衝突。這個徹底衝突今天的教廷一樣清楚。

“智慧設計論”以及類似的說法適用於任何有神論。科學發展到今天,這些說法是有神論的出路,但卻顯然不利於任何宗教信仰的發展,因為唯有“幕前的”personal god才能吸引信徒。在耶穌教,“智慧設計論”會讓由創世紀和伊甸園故事所奠下的神學基礎完蛋。這應該是教廷本來打算禁止“智慧設計論”的原因。現在教廷決定漠視它,這可以為本教尊神留下一條後退之路,這是明智的。


中國時報 2009-02-12 【潘勛/綜合報導】




     教廷當局另淡化「智慧設計論」(Intelligent Design)此一理念;智慧設計論主張,生命如此繁複,必然有「更高力量」創造產生。







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Last round.
2009/04/20 16:25
科學上, 一件事是不是[可信可靠], 是要證明的. 科學規定怎樣才算證明.  此證明的責任在宣稱那件事的人, 而懷疑這件事的人不需要提出任何證明.  這才是科學的精髓.

有人宣稱有[可信可靠]的聖誕老人, 宣稱這是個[事實].  需要提出證明的是這個宣稱者, 而懷疑這個宣稱的人不需要提出任何證明.  對針灸效果的宣稱亦如此. 

Sorry, I don't mean to badger the point.  I will truly stop now.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-21 10:59 回覆:




2009/04/20 13:34

Acupuncture and homeopathy have no physiological bases, hence like Creationism, are completely outside of science, hence, are extraordinary claims.  Both failed the standard double blind tests.

To paraphrase Steve Weinberg:  The evidence for acupuncture and homeopathy seems to me to be considerably weaker than the evidence for cold fusion and I don't believe in cold fusion.

By the way, Weinberg's essay is just as moving and convincing as Dobzhansky's, albeit a bit extreme.  I think you might like it:


Then there is James Randi's website:


And the "million dollar" experiment on homeopathy:



It is extraordinary that our roles in this discussion have reversed.

SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-20 16:02 回覆:

"It is extraordinary that our roles in this discussion have reversed."


I don't think so.

I quite understand what you've been trying so hard to say from the very beginning. You repeated over and again and I tended to give you the same reply. I don't think you've ever grasped my point from the very beginning. You've worked too hard, better have a rest before going over all these rounds again for a refreshing mind. ^_____^


SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-20 16:08 回覆:

For your convenience, here is the very beginning.

SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-16 11:15 回覆: 刪除



Two more rounds: On scientific skepticism.
2009/04/20 13:32

I heard you very well and responded to them many times also:  Science sets the rule of evidence.  The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claims; moreover, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. 

I don't know what you meant by 可靠可信的個案.  Scientifically, 可靠可信 needs to be proved according to this scientific rule of evidence.  If someone wants to prove that Santa Claus really exists, he or she has the burden of proof, not the person who is skeptical about this extraordinary claim.  Moreover repeated "witnesses" of Santa by millions of children do not make it 可靠可信.  This is not a joke, but the central point of the double blind test in medicine.  The same goes with claims of acupuncture, homeopathy and millions of repeated claims of miracle by religious people.  If one runs a flaw experiment repeatedly, one is likely to get the wrong conclusion repeatedly.

Science is open minded, but there is nothing revolutionary about this.  The medieval church was open-minded enough to accept all kinds of claims of miracle by medieval peasants.  What is truly revolutionary about science is the Scientific Skepticism--setting up rigorous standards and say: Show me your evidence!

SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-20 15:52 回覆:


尊重可靠可信的個案是科學態度。The buildup of the edifice of science relies on such attitude。


Well, maybe one more short round.
2009/04/19 16:08
Science sets the rules of evidence and accepts whatever claims that manage to pass these rules.  Acupuncture and homeopathy failed this test.  If science is to "respect" 1/10 of the claims of miracle, whether from homeopathy or acupuncture or Falungong on the internet, it will simply collapse.

Some beliefs are more fundamental, but they are harmless and meaningless for all practical purposes.  For example, the Catholic church has three fundamental tenets (or infallibles):  The immaculate conception of Mary, the divinity of Christ and the Trinity of God.  Now these may be fundamental, but they hardly matter for all practical purposes.  The Catholic faith can easily be founded on 一氣化三清 as it is on 三位一體 (Trinity).

On the other hand, some beliefs may not be fundamental, but have far reaching practical ramifications.  Acupuncture is just one such system.  People have died because the needles inadvertently punctured some vital organs.  Homeopathy is harmless, but it may prevent the patient from seek medical care in time.  In a similar vain, the Catholic anti-contraception stand is far less fundamental than its three basic tenets, but it has far serious consequences in the real world of Africa.

As for the Chinese concept of 氣, I don't see any scientific evidence for it.  Yes, Yoga masters can perform extraordinary feats, but I don't think these feats violate any known physical laws.  The bottom line is that things like 經絡, 氣 and Creationism are the same in the sense that they are completely outside the edifice of science.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-20 11:52 回覆:


尊重可靠可信的個案是科學態度。The buildup of the edifice of science relies on such attitude。


2009/04/17 16:20
There is a famous saying that goes like: We are open minded and rational until it hits some fundamental value(s) we really really believe.  I don't want to berate the point.  I have my own hidden biases and placebos and placebos work best if we believe them.  Discussions on religion and other important values people believe in are always sensitive and can easily hurt.  I apologize if I did.  This is not my intent.  In fact, my intent is the opposite:

To adapt a saying of Darwin:  Let everyone believe whatever he or she can, as long as such belief does no harm to themselves or to others.  Buddhism and mainstream Christianity are by and large such a belief systems.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-18 02:40 回覆:

老羅你的修養真好。不過我必須說清楚:中醫中藥針灸這些離我的價值系統很遠。這些屬於生活上的實用事物,我是實用主義者 --- 在這一點上我是美國人~~~ ^_^ ~~~我搭公車時絕對會讓座給老弱病孕,但有位子空出來我絕不會站著,但我不會跟人搶座位,我向來如此。我可以讓別人佔便宜,我不佔別人便宜,我沒有虛假的風度,我也不虐待自己,這是我的一貫風格。而且,你知道我不呆,雖然有時候很懶~~~ ^+++++^



Cultural context of common senses.
2009/04/17 16:17
Common senses have cultural contexts.  There is as much scientific bases for acupuncture as there is for 血型星座那些經驗, at least with 血型.  The "effectiveness" of acupuncture may be a "common sense" to many Chinese, but the effectiveness of homeopathy and 血型星座那些經驗 are just as much a "common sense" to the ancient and some modern Europeans.

When you say that 每次的效果都可以驗證, you are providing a testimony.  I fully respect that.  However, in order to prove scientifically that this is not a placebo effect, one needs to show that (1) it has a scientific/physiological explanation.  Short of that, one needs to show (2) clinical effectiveness.  I have explained in my previous response that acupuncture failed both.  Looking at this situation from a purely medical perspective, one then has to conclude that this is a placebo effect.  That is why modern medicine does not accept acupuncture.

I think the similarity between acupuncture and hypnotism is more than an analogy.  I think acupuncture may be a form of hypnotism, in the sense that both are psychological phenomena, but this is almost the definition of placebo.
UDN is complaining about the length of my article again, so I will continue on the next post, but that will be my last.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-18 02:10 回覆:

"Common senses have cultural contexts." --- 我那則回應很短,請注意我說"這些都是常識"那一段話的完整內容!

"There is as much scientific bases for acupuncture as there is for 血型星座那些經驗, at least with 血型." --- 每一次針灸施作個案的結果都可以被證明為有效或無效,但血型星座那些不行。血型星座那些沒有技術,沒有施作,也沒有結果,純粹是"就科技意義而言屬於無聊之舉"的歸納,衹要"搞得圓轉"就好。

"The "effectiveness" of acupuncture may be a "common sense" to many Chinese, but ..." --- 我那則回應很短,請注意我說"這些都是常識"那一段話的完整內容!

"When you say that 每次的效果都可以驗證, you are providing a testimony. " --- NO!你錯得離譜。

"However, in order to prove scientifically that this is not a placebo effect, one needs to show... I have explained in my previous response that acupuncture failed both." --- 我重複:"一件可靠可信的個案就是一個可靠可信的事實。你如果懷疑某一件個案為不可靠不可信,不妨明說,並指明其不可靠不可信之處何在,最好再附上查驗方法。"

"I think acupuncture may be a form of hypnotism, in the sense that both are psychological phenomena, but this is almost the definition of placebo." --- 一、You've stretched too much and too far. 二、你論政不是這樣的。WHY?三、催眠是心理施作沒錯,但並不是安慰劑。四、有個有名的美國催眠師催眠不了我。^_^



Cultural context
2009/04/17 15:26
Acupuncture is founded on the theory of 經脈 and 穴位.  There is no 經脈 and 穴位 has no physiological significance from the perspective of modern medicine.  Clinically, there have been double blind studies:  Acupuncture is an invasive procedure.  In one study, the procedure for the control group is substituted with a hard but non-invasive pinch.  In another, the needle point was deliberately placed off the supposed 穴位.  The studies found no statistical difference.

I already said that I meant you no offense and said that WE understand fully the the placebo effect.  However, we all grow up in our respective cultural and religious environments.  This makes us who we are, consciously and subconsciously.  As adults, we respond accordingly to these particular elements, the Chinese to Buddhism and 金庸 while the Europeans to Christianity and Arthurian legends.

When we look across cultures, we see the particular cultural elements more clearly.  Monotheistic Christianity and homeopathy are a Western/Middle Eastern phenomenon and it is not surprising that many Chinese do not respond to them.  Buddhism, Taoism, tiger bones, acupuncture are in the same category if one looks at them from the European perspective.  The fact is that we tend to view our own cultural and religious particulars as more factually true than we view other people's cultural and religious particulars--Homeopathy for the Europeans and acupuncture for the Chinese.

Of course, this is not absolute.  Plenty of Asians respond to Christianity with an Asian spin and many European are attracted to Eastern mysticism.   

In the Basilica in Washington DC, there are as many different statues of Madonna as there are cultures and races in the world.  The Catholic church understands that even within the Catholic faith, the vision of Madonna has cultural and racial contexts.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-18 01:38 回覆:

我對中醫中藥針灸這些論題沒什麼大興趣,因為這些東西裡頭沒有什麼富於深邃思維和幽微人性的內容,更缺乏趣味,不過看起來你對針灸"苦大仇深",我不多奉陪一下好像不大好。 ^_____^



文化差異文化教養(甚至潛意識中的)這些你不必跟我說。我是中國人加美國人加德國人加猶太人加俄國人~~~ ^+++++^



Prayer and acupuncture.
2009/04/16 15:26
I am sure there are a great deal more people who claim that prayer cures their allergy problems. I mean you can just go to all the religious proselytizing websites for testaments.

The scientific evidence for that claim is probably stronger than the claim that acupuncture cures allergy.  After all, prayer is a form of meditation and we know meditation can calm the body and improves a person's health.

I mean you no offense, but to belittle religious people with science is a bit like belittling people who believe acupuncture cures allergy with double blind tests.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-17 13:48 回覆:




Testaments as such
2009/04/16 15:04
As we know, testaments are great for spreading the Gospel, but useless for science. 

I am not against acupuncture for the same reason I am not against any placebo as long as it does not contain highly toxic substance or sticking needles in sensitive areas of the body.  Placebo really works.

For the same reason, I am not against religion as long as it doesn't burn heretics or tell its disciples to blow up public buildings.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-17 13:24 回覆:




See, we agree.
2009/04/15 15:08

Since one can't really get rid of religion and it probably a bad idea to try, one will just have to reform them, to put them through Renaissance and to make sure they don't burn heretics.  The Catholic church and many mainstream Christian churches hav gone through that, but I am not sure about the Muslims and other religions.


既然宗教信仰有遺傳成分, 那社會對此就不能[堵]而只能[導]. 我想這就是為啥比較現代和合理的社會都保護宗教信仰自由.  但[導]很重要, 而所謂的[導], 就是對宗教教義用現代道德觀和科學觀來批判. 如果一個宗教要求信徒每天禱告,助人為樂, 那當然好, 但如果一個宗教要求屠殺異教徒, 或者開著飛機去撞異教徒的大樓, 那就不行. 同樣的, 如果一個信仰要求信徒打太極拳, 飲食平衡, 那當然沒關係. 但如果這個信仰讓人拿著針往身上亂刺, 尤其是往別人身上亂刺; 讓人亂吃草草棒棒加水銀化合物, 尤其是讓別人亂吃草草棒棒加水銀化合物, 那就有問題.


SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-16 11:15 回覆:



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