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[2009-4-5] 生物演化學家Theodosius Dobzhansky不是宗教信徒
2009/04/05 03:12:06瀏覽1279|回應2|推薦7



就我的印象所及,遺傳學家Francisco Ayala或許是遺傳學家Dobzhansky最有名的學生,Ayala說:『Dobzhansky was a religious man, although he apparently rejected fundamental beliefs of traditional religion, such as the existence of a personal God and of life beyond physical death. His religiosity was grounded on the conviction that there is meaning in the universe. He saw that meaning in the fact that evolution has produced the stupendous diversity of the living world and has progressed from primitive forms of life to mankind. Dobzhansky held that, in man, biological evolution has transcended itself into the realm of self awareness and culture. He believed that somehow mankind would eventually evolve into higher levels of harmony and creativity.』


Dobzhansky不相信任何“創造神”的存在,但有某種“宗教情懷”,這情況像愛因斯坦。愛因斯坦不相信任何personal god的存在,他最後的看法甚至認為猶太舊約裡的那些人神故事是幼稚的迷信 -- 但是這個會大大冒犯“沙漠三教”人士的看法他沒有公開表達過。Dobzhansky也被認為是信神的,但這也是個誤認。

唯一的大神如果不是創造神,這神能力不足,有什麼好崇拜的?唯一的大神如果不是personal god,這神乾燥無味無聲無形,沒法讓人相信是真的,崇拜祂幹什麼?任何足夠成功的“高級宗教”必有創造神,而這個創造神必然是personal god,一個會與人互動(至少是“靈應”)的創造神才有可能撐起一種“高級宗教”,任何一種“高級宗教”的信徒所認識的本教尊神必然是一個會與人互動的創造神。這應該是宗教方面的基本知識 -- 尤其是創造神兼人格神這一點,但是好像很多人搞不懂。

愛因斯坦不相信任何personal god的存在,這一點早已為世人所熟知,所以愛因斯坦的“信仰狀況”長期被誤解是很奇怪的。Dobzhansky並不是一個名氣大到家喻戶曉的科學家,他的“信仰狀況”長期被誤解不足為奇。


( 知識學習其他 )
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On poetic language II
2009/04/09 13:40
Those who wrote the Bible and other sacred texts were not scientists and one shouldn't expect these to be scientific treatises.  I also agree that historically people treated some of these texts as factually and historically accurate.

When Dalai Lama was asked what would happen if Tibetan Buddhism contradicts new scientific findings, Dalai Lama said that Tibetan Buddhist doctrine must then change.  He was making the point that religious doctrines are not about scientific facts.  If and when they are later discovered to have been misinterpreted as scientific facts, they must be reinterpreted in a poetic fashion.

In fact, all modern religious institutions adopt this position, although grudgingly.  Today, the Catholic church accomodates Evolution biology and is comfortable with Big Bang cosmology.

Dobzhansky statement describes accurately the position of modern religious institutions--that modern relgion must accomodate science; that the sacred texts must be read poetically, even though this was not the case historically.

The myth of Semele's death is striking, but no one would interpret that as a historical fact.  Similarly, Dobzhansky was saying that the Biblical stories should be read in the same fashion, even though they are factually slightly more plausible.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-12 19:42 回覆:

"Today, the Catholic church accomodates Evolution biology and is comfortable with Big Bang cosmology."

[2009-4-12] 評論2009-2-12新聞〈一改敵意教廷:達爾文演化論符教義〉
2009/04/12 19:18:19


Poetic symbols
2009/04/05 20:20
I don't think Dobzhansky's personal belief is relevant here.  I was quoting him because I agree with him in the sense that religious texts are written in poetic symbols and should not be mistaken as scientific facts.  Dobzhansky was saying that the Imam was mistaken when he tried to confuse the poetic expressions of Koran with scientific facts.  Similarly, it is also fruitless to argue against religious doctrines with scientific facts--because when it comes to religion, people don't care about facts and for good reasons.  This is the point Melvin Konner was trying to make in the video presentation I refered to.
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2009-04-07 20:01 回覆:



在宗教人士以外,大概沒有什麼有知識的人會不同意that religious texts are generally written in poetic symbols and should not be mistaken as scientific facts。

To argue against religious doctrines with scientific facts 並非 fruitless,因為科學的內容與宗教的內容水火不容而且已知的科學事實可以證明許多宗教教條是錯誤的 --- 而這在地球人文明史上有極巨大的意義而且這些證明會大大地影響人類社會的發展。

When it comes to religion, people don't care about facts and for good reasons. 這話是很客觀的事況描述,所以正確,但是這個事況與前述的fruitless"可以無關",當這兩者有關的時候一個旁觀者衹看到了1)有些人的理智強度弱於情感強度以及2)普遍的"將本求利自謀多福"的基本人性。附言:"將本求利自謀多福"包括了"經濟理性"。
