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2008/05/02 17:21:11瀏覽824|回應0|推薦0

3. 熱戀期:主角英語程度:流暢

possess v. have as one’s property; (of a feeling, belief, etc)

have complete control of, dominate

You tell me my love to you is like a possession. But how could
I possess you when your world is so big? Maybe it ot about possession, it more
about me trying to fit into your life. I am living in your life. I am living
inside of your body, trying to understand every single movement from your
command. Every night I inhale and outhale your breath. The smells from your hair
and your skin cover my hair and my skin. I know nobody in my life is as close as

I just hope night carry on like this, go on for ever.
Hope our bodies can be always close like this, and our souls always can be side
by side. I don’t want the sun comes, the day comes. I know the light of day
takes you away from me. Then you live in your own world, the world that has a
big gap between us.




發表時間:2008/4/30 下午 04:38:48

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