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2009/10/28 06:48:55瀏覽1016|回應4|推薦47 | |
引用文章聯合筆記/抗拒美國牛不難 這篇文字大抵上是說桃太郎聰明的緊. 和老美拖延談判進口牛肉,趕快去美國養牛,等到談判終結,專進自己養的和牛, 一箭雙牛,好不威風! 是電影情節? 您自己可以連接此一長達九頁的美國農業部國外農業服務的報告: Japan Tries to Ban Imported Wagyu Beef 人家在明示(Highlights)中一上來就說: The United States does not currently export Wagyu beef to Japan because of other trade restrictions, namely Japan's requirement that U.S. beef be from cattle that are 20 months or under (Wagyu cattle are usually slaughtered at 30 - 35 months). Japan is using a 'voluntary industry guideline' as a legal front that could, if violated, be enforced under certain Japanese laws. This regulatory approach is being taken to make it difficult for the United States and other Wagyu producers, mainly Australia, to protest the action. 這是2006年的資料. 但就目下"日本僅開放廿個月以下的牛肉"廣為所見, 看來情況並無變化! 咱們卓大記者謂 "連帶創造出各國高檔牛肉都以和牛(Wagyu)為名的無價收穫 " 的和牛不知是什麼嫩牛? 或吹牛? (那位牛排專家,麻煩告知一下廿個月以下的和牛,長不長得出大理石紋肌?) 日本人搞的非關稅貿易障礙難纏,人盡皆知. 那也要人民配合(保護生產者,犧牲消費者?). 不像當年台灣禁日本小家電進口,日本機場返台旅客立時電子鍋,水瓶...滿坑滿谷,連日本海關也傻眼! 秋高氣爽.在下也吹吹牛,請勿怪! 不吃牛排, 來杯紅酒如何? 一磅不到140台幣! 不值錢啊! |
( 時事評論|公共議題 ) |