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2009/03/25 22:20:55瀏覽716|回應0|推薦21

哇! 什麼人,什麼事讓'彌賽亞' 一恕而視?!
有個CNN的白目記者,居然質疑救世主對AIG的紅利憤怒比一般大眾慢了幾天? 真個不知天高地厚! 殊不知咱們大總統是不同於小民的. 歐巴馬之所以按槍不射, 乃是需要'沉澱', 以免失言!
The buzziest moment came about 35 minutes into the press conference when Ed Henry of CNN asked the President why he didn't spew outrage as soon as he learned about the AIG bonuses. Why, Mr. Henry asked, did the president wait several days before speaking out? The president, with an icy stare, responded that he "likes to know what he's talking about" before he speaks. It was a pretty testy exchange that brought about nervous laughter from the other reporters.
呵呵! 歐巴馬臺灣 超級粉絲名嘴, 什麼大姊小的當然會說,看! 人家歐巴馬就是不同.
拙拙這種無行小人一來對AIG紅利乃至任何紅利都麻木不仁; 二來認為大嘴巴歐巴馬的說法實在差勁! 這老兄公開講話時不看小抄(teleprompter)的時候百不得一. 這一來,倒把在下弄迷糊了.他究竟是知還是不知 he's talking about?   他大可以說那點紅利,燒餅上的一粒芝麻,何勞掛心? 或者他也可故做姿態,說那是私人公司營運. 政府不宜過於干涉. 不此之圖,偏扯什麼要想上兩天! 急急如令, 難不成他想得是?:

座中腰纏誰最多? 伊州總統金衫突.
 又: 民主堂黨參議員 Chris Dodd 已承認對AIG發紅利護航! 打到腳痛?
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