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【Paintings in Proust】 The Cenotaph of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the Tuileries
2013/11/25 21:28:20瀏覽234|回應0|推薦10

Paintings in Proust The Cenotaph of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the Tuileries, Paris, Hubert Robert, 1794 (p.43)

這一段描述的是敘事者陪伴著父母親散步回家途中所看見的一個場景,像極了 Hubert Robert 的畫作。
在羅馬待了 11 年而對龐貝古城情有獨鍾,最終有「廢墟畫家」之稱的 Hubert Robert 其實來頭不小,他曾經被指派為 "Designer of the King's Gardens", Keeper of the King's Pictures" 以及 "Keeper of the Museum and Councilor to the Academy",甚至於還是當時新國家博物館——羅浮宮的籌建委員會五人小組成員之一。
他曾以羅浮宮為背景創作出大畫廊廢墟的想像圖 (Imaginary View of the Grand Gallery of the Louvre in Ruins),可說是他的知名作品。

We would return by the Boulevard de la Gare, which contained the most attractive villas in the town. In each of their gardens the moonlight, copying the art of Hubert Robert, had scattered its broken staircases of white marble, its fountains of water and gates temptingly ajar. Its beams had swept away the telegraph office. All that was left of it was a column, half shattered, but preserving the beauty of a ruin which endures for all time. (Swann's Way)

(p.127 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

( 知識學習 )
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