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Excerpt:《不安之書》(The Book of Disquiet) 05
2019/09/12 05:21:08瀏覽412|回應1|推薦8
Excerpt:《不安之書》(The Book of Disquiet) 05

263 / 煩悶〉
我不知道煩悶是否只是一種甦醒,就像流浪漢從倦怠麻木中甦醒一樣,或是否更髙貴一點。以我的個人經驗,煩悶常常以不可預見的方式侵襲,毫無規律可循。我可以整個星期日無所事事,卻感覺不到煩悶。但我在集中精力埋頭工作時,會突然體驗到有如烏雲籠罩般的煩悶。據我所知,這與我的健康狀況 (或缺乏健康的狀況) 無關,也並非源自於實實在在的自我中已存的某些東西。

As prone as I am to tedium, its odd that until now Ive never seriously thought about just what it is. Today my soul is in that state of limbo where neither life nor anything else really appeals, and Ive decided, since Ive never done it before, to analyse tedium through my impressionistic thoughts, even though whatever analysis I dream up will naturally be somewhat factitious.
I dont know if tedium is merely the waking equivalent of a vagrants drowsy stupor, or if it is something more noble. In my own experience, tedium occurs frequently but unpredictably, without following a set pattern. I can go an entire listless Sunday without tedium, or I can suddenly experience it, like a cloud overhead, in the middle of concentrated labour. As far as I can tell, it isnt related to my state of health (or lack thereof), nor does it result from causes residing in my visible, tangible self.
To say that its a metaphysical anxiety in disguise, that its an acute disillusion incognito, that its a voiceless poetry of the bored soul sitting at the window which looks out on to life — to say this or something similar Can colour tedium, like a child who colours over the outlines of a figure and effaces them, but its no more to me than a din of words echoing in the cellar of the mind.
Tedium…To think without thinking, but with the weariness of thinking; to feel without feeling, but with the anxiety of feeling; to shun without shunning, but with the disgust that makes one shun — all of this is in tedium but is not tedium itself, being at best a paraphrase or translation of it. In terms of our immediate sensation, its as if the drawbridge had been raised over the moat of the souls castle, such that we can only gaze at the lands around the castle, without ever being able to set foot on them. Theres something in us that isolates us from ourselves, and the separating element is as stagnant as we are, a ditch of filthy water around our self-alienation.
Tedium…To suffer without suffering, to want without desire, to think without reason... Its like being possessed by a negative demon, like being bewitched by nothing at all. Wizards and witches, by making images of us and subjecting them to torments, can supposedly cause those torments to be reflected in us through an astral transference. Transposing this image, I would say that my tedium is like the fiendish reflection of an elfin demons sorceries, applied not to my image but to its shadow. Its on my internal shadow, on the outside of my inner soul, that papers are pasted or needles are poked. Im like the man that sold his shadow, or, rather, like the shadow that was sold.

269 / 我的悲劇〉

One of my lifes greatest tragedies is to have already read The Pickwick Papers. (I cant go back and read them for the first time.)

英譯:Richard ZenithPenguin Classics

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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Sir Norton 黑幫哪裡黑?
2019/09/12 22:56


le14nov(le14nov) 於 2019-09-13 05:21 回覆:

