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跟白頂紅 -- 替敢在病態社會當官的人說幾句話
2013/08/06 23:05:57瀏覽2315|回應17|推薦1



果你看過余之前的時事網誌,就知道余絕非狼粉。但余認為狼班子裡並非全部都是狐群狗黨,有相當一部分是真有心替香港社會做點實事的。先說麥齊光,大家可翻查一下記錄,在梁展文事件調查過程中披露過在政府循例『諮詢』各有關高官對應否批准其到新世界任職時,時為常秘的麥齊光是唯一提出梁展文曾參與紅灣半島居屋變私樓,如批准其任職新世界,可能成為敏感事件。其他與麥齊光同級或比他更高級的官員均持圍威喂心態而沒有理會麥齊光所提的意見。在當時余覺得麥齊光是個好官。20多年前兩名公務員互供對方的單位可能數以萬計,麥齊光之所以落得如此下場就是他當了局長。再說林奮強, 30多歲被政府委任為中央政策組非全職顧問,40多歲成為國際投資銀行的MD201150歲選擇退休並自資成立非牟利智庫「黃金50」,這決定已可看見其對金錢之價值觀。於2012年獲委任為行政局議員時他已申報在港擁有數十個物業,市值數億元。那些向廉署誣告他的反對黨政客說廉署不檢控他感到失望,若果廉署順他們意檢控他而其後法庭判他無罪,這些政客就會對法庭感到失望。林奮強售出於2001(接近谷底價)買入已持有11年的物業賬面賺了500多萬,一來數字合理,二來這宗物業交易只佔他持貨量的一小部分,試問為此而賠上他的名聲是否公道呢?



後記:余拋磚引玉得到眾同學及各方好友積極回應,令內容豐富充實,蓬蓽生輝,十分感謝!因版面所限,較早的精彩回應已由網站安排為第二頁(包括蔡醫生之第一次回應、賀醫生的回應及余答复Gulliver第一次回應時所增補有關何建宗的個案)。請點擊畫面的右下方 (灰色的看本文的下一頁, 綠色的看下一篇文章)



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C Chiu
2018/05/05 01:20

2014/08/08 12:59
反对派+名为建制派的反梁分子实际吃里趴外,要拆烂污,他们最希望梁一事无成, 最怕他能为香港做点成绩出来。所以一定要将梁班子内就是只有点抱负、能力的都要请走。

top dog
2013/08/10 23:55

History is strewn with countless utopian projects led by demagogue .which had  shone for a while but eventually sunken into oblivion or  imploded in flames . As the old adage goes' the road to perdition is paved with good intentions' I shuddered to contemplate where our current corps of opportunistic politicians, scheming snake oil salesmen , misguided one issue  eggheads and the rag tag armies of  clueless post 80s 90s dilettantes are leading Hong Kong into. But  looking at what has happened and what is still happening daily , it seems that the ginnie  is already out and the piped piper is calling his tune. No matter how reluctant ,Hong Kong is  marching  into the abyss of no return. 

top dog
Where the armies of clueless post 90s dilettantes are leading Hong Kong into ?
2013/08/10 23:49

In their petition letter to the court,the cousins of Mr Mak Chai Kwong wrote ,'... when we were young, brother chai kwong would construct toys from discarded material for us because we could not afford any..' From this, one can infer that Mak was probably not from a privileged family, Zhang has told the story of Paul Chan. From my recollection , Franklin Lam was raised by his widowed mother who was a primary school teacher. So all three are from rather humble background and with sheer efforts they rose to the top ; the sort of Horatio Algar stories that Hong Kongers love to trumpet about. Messers chan lam and mak are financially comfortable and they don't look like those greedy sorts. I genuinely believe that when they joined the administration of CY Leung they want to contribute something to the society through their expertise.

But look at the dire situation they got themselves into. They are hounded by lynching mobs who bay for their blood, wanting to serve their heads on a plate as sacrifice to their dark god of vengeance. Self righteous press harass their family members, searching for materials in the nooks and crannies of their lives to be used in smearing campaigns( this is especially despicable in the case of Paul Chan ) They first had their character assassinated and then crucified to be judged by public opinion instead of in the law court.

All these are done of course in the name of the 'core values ' of Hong Kong. Little do these narrow minded people comprehend what they are doing serves only to undermine the very core values they purport to protect. They are tearing up the fabric of Hong Kong society; a decent society if ever there is one which our parents have strived so hard againgst all odds to build over the last 50 years. It behooves us to cherish, protect and improve it instead of ripping it apart as a knee jerk reflex of blind fury.We will rue the day when it is so broken as to be beyond repair.

2013/08/09 17:38
To look at the bigger picture:
1. The liberal n hardliner in china r still fighting it out through corruption , sex n scandal charges
2. The old colonial hk tycoon that used to control the legislative n hk govt top official r now told n forced to take their money n leave or face the ICAC
3. The Chinese state companies r taking over the local banks, supermarket n property development projects
4. The usa r coming back to Asia to make trade n finance n at the same time contain china
5. Now is a fight for this power vacuum in hk between the Chinese hardliner, liberal n the west with this people power of universal suffrage
6. Both Chinese liberal n hardliner will never allow hk to become another japan, Philippine , Taiwan or Vietnam etc that threaten it's grip in power in china
7.what we r seeing in the media , street fight , ICAC , official scandal n fighting at the legislative council n occupy central etc r a fight for power left open by the leaving of hk tycoon
8. Will we see the same street fight in hk like what is happening in Egypt n Bangkok? My guess is not
9. When will this power vacuum be filled , I hope when the politic up north r settle n china n the west can agree on a way to share the control n influence of hk governing
10 then hk can truly prosperous for years to come n be used by both the east n west to print n raise money to power the growth of Asia

2013/08/09 11:44


I didn't know u work at FS Li before , I was there in 1983, did not meet paul chan there , is he older than us?

Do not know him , he is just in a sinking ship , with his backer, cy, Ronnie,Tung , Wu , Wen the so call liberal n western influence


Top dog, Don't worry , conspiracy theory say that those professor n student that want to occupy central do work for the central govt, they play the role to divide the supporter of democrat support by the west n a 反教材 to hk n when time comes, they will be used as an excuse for the police to show force n clamp down real hard

2013/08/09 11:24
這篇文章能以非梁粉之立場,郤公正地為其班底人仗義執言,使人拜服,更引出眾同學回應,難能可貴。香港近年變得不像我們認識的地方,樓價物價上漲使年輕一代仇富,這心態可以理解。但傳媒,政客恐天下不亂,煽風點火, 加深各階層矛盾,使互相仇視之心日深。60年代文革的可怕我們只是耳聞,但今天打著民主旗號的,把非友即敵的人無限上綱,我們郤是親眼目睹。價值觀全變了,沒有尊師重道,夠爛仔敢打橫行便是英雄,難怪多位同學都有感而發

2013/08/09 03:18
My point is why the policy will take a private land owner land for hk$950 Psf n his land owner neighbor next door can get hk$22,500 Psf , this policy is not fair, n it is the govt that decide who got how much by it's zoning plan n the size of land n who knows how much land a group of companies owns by holding them through different layer of BVi companies, it's just the same as telling the mum n pa neighborhood grocery store owner to close down for business n only the supermarket chain can carry one n make money because the small grocery store r too small. , this kind of laws r not fair
zhangWL(xingwanlilu) 於 2013-08-09 21:27 回覆:
Gulliver, i hv not read the compensation/acquisition scheme. it does sound unreasonable if neighboring plots' value can differ by >20 folds. but, it's more important to find out whether zoning is done arbitrarily with salamandeering or with justifiable rationales.

2013/08/09 00:10

Gary Chan
2013/08/08 19:53

?94 ?98 買了兩幅地,2012才做局長.....這叫屯地!!其實鬥梁班子,是鬥梁,更是鬥共產党。故梁振英,不會被中央叫下台。中央看香港的政治矛盾定性為敵我矛盾;記住美國已重返亞洲。


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