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狼子野心 Down with C Y
2013/01/05 01:10:13瀏覽823|回應0|推薦0

自89年5月3次參與支持北京學運的遊行後,這20多年間只在8年前在中環短暫參與過領匯上市失敗 而引發的打到鄭大奸遊行。今年元旦花了3小時於倒狼遊行。余向來對民陣非常反感,除了要狼下台外,对其它过分、无理甚至荒谬的诉求亦全不认同,在眾多街站中只捐助了保釣行動。余要上街只因為狼振英比港英餘孽、狀棍黨、社民連、人民力量、学民思潮(排名以可憎程度)....更可憎、對香港的破壞力更大!


早在去年特首选举后三天,余已于Yahoo Blog 写了下文。上个月Yahoo 删除了余的Blog,故在此重刊:

一蟹不如一蟹 On CE Election
首任特首是個心慈手軟徹頭徹尾的好人。適逢他上臺,樓價升至瘋癲、可負擔指數超過100。政客、愚民齊喊要解決住屋問題。一系列措施包括"8萬5",加上連任後次年非典襲港, 終使樓價從高位下跌7成,可負擔指數降至香港數十年未見之低。真正達到居者有其屋之境地時,卻變成了有樓冇人要。在樓價被認為高得不合理時及持續下滑過程中自由自願入市的港人組成甚麼負資產聯盟輸打贏要,遷怒董伯伯,令他腳痛。



ZhangWL at 03/31/2012 12:05 am comment

1. Politic is used to control the mass population by rule of law or military force.

2. Politic is used by different interest group to serve and protect their territory, mainly business sector in HK so far.

3. Tung and tsang represent british left over HK tycoon interest, and different Chinese princeling and super power and rich mainlander.

4. Leung represent communist youth institution, second tier hk smaller tycoon and underground communist in hk since the british colony time.

5. The democrat represent the usa and british interest.

6. In mainland china, the two or three camp are fighting for territory and position now.

7. With leung winning the CE position now, SHK has no more protection, the other brother with leung has sent a white terror warning to british left over hk tycoon. The ICAC coffee time.

8. The underground communist spy can now take over the hk civil servant, 1949 shanghai time, but this time is to control and make money. British left over civil servant is time to say bye bye.

9. Hk big tycoon will be replace by Chinese and usa proxy.

10. Usa has return to asia, with usa help, they use the media to sent out the scandal to divide and control.

11. Leung will have to follow Singapore style of control, subsidize housing, spent all HK reserve and control the media and no gum allowed.

12. Hk is experiencing a change of interest group, just like Cheung kong replacing jardine. Nothing special. To us , layman, it is just a competition of idea and value, some think the Singaporean authoritarian style with subsidized housing is good, Other might think that the American style, democracy, freedom of speech etc is better. The democrat party like to see an arab spring revolt in hk street, just like Egypt and now Syria. But this time, they will fail totally. Hk is not a country like Egypt. Usa cannot even handle Iraq and afganistan, let them try china. Taiwan and Singapore pay for their own defense budget, the young boys has to waste two years at military camp. They pay protection fees to usa, just like japan and south korea, a usa colony. China pay for hk defense budget, china is our backer, if hk has to pay for its defense, hk will be bankrupt, and back to a piece of rock. As leader of the world. All super power including Europe, usa, china and Russia etc, they all want to have peace and be able to protect, feed and house their own national. They will have to do some check and balance, fight and control the oil resourse in middle east and Africa. Without oil, the world will be back to the dark ages. Like Mr Ebrahim , our teacher,said, hk is blessed, keep dancing, drinking and horse racing for another 35 years. The horse owner may be changed, but we can still bet, win or lose depending on our luck

張阿水 at 04/13/2012 03:51 pm reply

張阿水 at 04/13/2012 03:37 pm comment

June at 04/11/2012 01:43 am comment

ZhangWL at 04/11/2012 02:09 am reply
June, 可有读过:【周公恐惧流言日,王莽谦恭下士时】 ?李斯、王莽、秦桧、蔡京、严嵩。。。哪一个在独揽大权前不是掩饰得好的老奸巨猾?每一个也都是处心积虑、能言善辩、聪明机变!你问【目的为何?】,当然不是为国家、为人民!何谓奸耶?

( 時事評論政治 )
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