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學運今昔 On Class Boycott
2014/09/25 22:55:46瀏覽2759|回應17|推薦4

這幾天聽得膩了, 有社會地位的人面對傳媒的標準台詞: "年青人有理想, 有激情, 我尊重他們自行選擇參與罷課的決定"。與此同時, 媒體上有關的好文章也不少, 余推介看官可一讀劉迺強濼生
也有人大言不慚, 把現正發生的罷課與九十五年前的五四運動相提並論, 真是有辱先賢!觸發五四是巴黎和會之「一戰勝利國」於1919430日決定把戰敗國德國在山東的利益轉予日本。当时最著名的口號之一是“外爭國權(對抗列強侵權)
, 內除國賊(懲除媚日官員)”。與今天香港部分政棍的狹隘本土主義, 天差地遠。李漢奸與忽然民主阿婆動輒到美英乞求干預, 就是媚外國贼。
說近一點, 香港六七十年代的學運也是基於民族國家大義, 可敬可佩。最傑出之兩場: 爭取中文成為香港法定語文, 及保釣。後者是1971年美帝把釣魚台撥交日本引發的。由學聯牽頭兩三千人於七七盧溝橋日寇侵華紀念日在維園示威, 因壓制67暴動而被冠上皇家的香港警察派出勇猛的威利警司, 身先士卒, 揮舞警棍, 翌日報章說他“上打雪花蓋頂, 下打老樹盤根,如虎入羊群”, 把學生打得頭破血流, 只消個多小時就完全清場。1974年香港有兩件大事; 其一中文終於在開埠130多年後成為法定語文, 其二防止貪污部從警隊獨立出來成為廉政公署, 3年前立了大功的威利警司獲擢升, 且在當時大量聘請的中文主任幫助下改了個名字變成通情達理的韋達理助理執行處長(H Norman Whiteley)。今年七一差不多整整43年之後老對手又過招, 學聯搞佔中預演, 不再是皇家的香港警察在沒有英裔殖民地警司指揮下, 手足無措, 折騰了一整個晚上畏首畏尾, 翌日卻仍逃不過被指責招待不週, 沒準備夜宵與飲料。今天25/9/14媒體報導, 有一家叫基孝的中學也由學生搞罷課, 原因是學校在新學年訂立新校規遲到學生要罰企, 另外學生亦不接受在酷熱天氣下於露天操場舉行早會。試問早會氣溫能有多高, 是否烈日當空?“70前”的港人當年上學有沒有空調的禮堂?很多比香港熱的落後地區學生更要在放學後在高溫下遠程徒步回家。嬌生慣養的90後港孩與把他們寵壞的家長認為被拘留應該有Club Med般的待遇。
領導五四運動的都是一時俊彥、響噹噹的頂尖人物。其中傅斯年更是以北大預科全級首名入學, 且遑論其日後顯赫成就。今天罷課可有傳媒廣為報導的HKALEDSE狀元參與?香港也有與傅斯年學業成績相若的榮譽, 名為King Edward VII Scholar, 每年頒給大學入學成績最高者, 乃真正的狀元。有興趣者可到港大陸佑堂, 有數面大木盾列名歷屆得主。在學位氾濫的今天黃之峰連大學也進不了。搞勞什子公民提名給黃之峰洗了腦的鄭宇碩則是不折不扣的學棍, 兩次干犯plagiarism欺世盜名。一名也是大學教授的同窗告訴余, 如果是其他人兩次干犯plagiarism立刻就被大學炒魷了。現實是如果你在犯民陣營有些微角色而又在中大型機構任職, 就有了免死金牌, 哪個雇主敢負上“打壓民主”這條罪名?6月在辯論東北發展研究撥款時, 上百萬市民即時見證衝擊立法會大樓的一班刁民以用來分隔他們的鐵馬投擲破壞玻璃門, 今天提堂竟厚顏無恥說是被政治檢控。香港犯民所追求的就是以民主之名幹無法無天的事。
政改罷課與五四風馬牛不相及, 與文革的紅衛兵則如出一轍。前幾天城大學生要求校長表態, 獲得郭校長與葉副校長親身接見, 已是給足了面子。學生卻不明白不接受君子和而不同的道理, 批評校方不支持罷課, 與紅衛兵思維一致, 只差沒迫校長跪下在其頸上掛牌子。鼓動中學生罷課則是由起初的紅衛兵下及少不更事的紅小兵。五四學生領袖被捕後, 原已是同路人的北大校長蔡元培與一眾學界泰斗立即四出奔走營救, 民族大義下, 人同此心也。香港各大學校長無一挺身撐罷課也可從側面看到罷課之得失。由犯民編導演的香港政治生態不單弄到經濟增長放緩GDP被新加坡愈拋愈遠, 對大學發展也造成嚴重障礙。繼高錕校長之後最有機會成為下一個
港人諾貝爾獎得主的徐立之校長, 眾所周知是因李克強訪港大事件餘波覺得意興闌珊而不續任。香港原本對科研的投入已不算多, 在大學校長也要面對紅衛兵式責難的環境下, 怎能吸引星級學者來港或回港呢?
煽動學生罷課的公民黨頭頭與鄭宇碩, 彼等行為就像大陸的裸官~~妻兒財產都不在身邊。They don't put their money where their mouth is! 讓別人的孩子去做炮灰!
, “列強”到20世紀仍持有19世紀對待我國的心態與手法, 只在他們相互之間瓜分我國之利益, 1919年如是, 1971年亦如是
。去年悼鐵娘的拙作, 余說過: “保釣在香港仍是由陳毓祥烈士的已逾花甲同代人延續”。蔥匆40年香港滿懷愛國情操的學運領袖後繼無人, 可悲可嘆!

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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飲水機故事一則 (三)
2014/10/07 13:14



飲水機故事一則 (二)
2014/10/07 09:21
我們公司有兩層樓。老闆決定把新加的飲水機放在一樓。其實,公司本身就不大,落一層樓拿水只是舉手之勞。可是,有人開始話老闆偏心,買飲水機只為益一樓的同事。此等說話竟然在短時期內迅速傳遍整個二樓,要知道老闆偏心或 “老闆衰”此等說話根本是可以與誰是老闆完全無關的,但又誰都可以覺得很有道理,特別是二樓有不少同事根本就平時不會直接與老闆有交流。講公道說話,此老 闆非常重視民意,才會讓大家買飲水機,但此事竟成為大家口中“老闆”偏心的理由。我個人而言是反對二樓加部飲水機的,因為落樓下真的很近,而且二樓又不是 有很多位,放部飲水機根本是浪費空間和金錢。

飲水機故事一則 (一)
2014/10/07 00:52




ring leaders
2014/10/02 15:05

these guys are cracy, moral vacuums, pathetic, pathological and no difference from any serial killers. they enjoy manipulating people to suit their ends and destroy them afterwards. their proper place should be in an asylum or in a grave. the are monsters - look at the way that chan feint emotions, he is a perfect criminal.

they are attacking the CE to make the whole thing political to avoid all criminal repercussions

2014/10/01 19:13
天生萬物以養人  人無一善以報天

2014/09/30 22:40

I don't have the incentive to visit HK (Part 1)
2014/09/30 18:26
That's why I don't have the incentive to visit HK (at least for the time being).  I've been watching TVB and talking to my other friend in HK and I understand all the previous protests (excluding Occupy Central) were mainly about the rich getting richer due to property prices and the poor getting poorer despite a lot of the protest themes were quite ridiculous.
Talking about the HK CE, only now people understand Uncle Tung is the best among the three.  He was just unlucky due to the Asian crisis and SARS.  What he proposed about more housing was correct.  It just seems to me that part of our younger generation got so spoiled and has the attitude of "What Jimmy wants, Jimmy gets" (I'm referring to the tennis star Jimmy Conner).  I still remembered that there were days during our  elementary school years that we only had several hours of water supply per day during a drought season.  Who know, these days kids might go to the streets and protest for water shortage.  Henry Tang is definitely glad that he's not the current CEO.

I don't have the incentive to visit HK (Part 2)
2014/09/30 18:20
Regarding Occupy Central, I would not be surprised that the PLA move in if condition worsen.  Although my friend in HK does wish a worsening situation so the housing prices would drop and billionaires would see their net worth decline, that would also mean economy would worsen and lost of jobs.  I remembered when I was at Countrywide (before the financial crisis of 08), my ex-colleague commented that if California/US housing prices drop, that would also mean that we could lost our jobs.  Indeed that's what happened!

I supported the June 4th 89 student protest in Beijing as I think most of us did. I thought there might be a chance that the student protest might work and they did get some support from some senior Chinese government officials.  This Occupy Central is just shameful as the kids are being used.  Both my wife and I just feel sorry for the HK police as they are very constrained with the crowd that is instigated by these so called liberal elite.

Here in California is not so rosy.  We as Asian got squeezed in the middle, Caucasian/White from the top and Latino/Africans from the bottom.  Latino/Africans often target Asian/Chinese for robbery/crime.  In the name of diversity, the Latino/Africans get the jobs and college admittance even they don't have the grades/merit.  Most Latinos break the law to come to this country and demand all the privileges.  In addition, the Koreans, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indians don't exactly cooperate/like each other.  Even there are some division among mainland Chinese, HK Chinese and Taiwan Chinese.  Of course, as you know, quite a few Taiwan Chinese want to label themselves as Taiwanese and not Chinese (i.e. identity crisis).

2014/09/30 14:11
學生血氣方剛、又自覺有使命感,原本願望是好的。但處世未深,難免被人煽動利用而越踩越深,一時難以醒悟!可以合法來表達訴求,太激烈的抗爭只會損害香港,事與願違,親者痛、仇者快,被外國想扼制中國的勢力所利用。 香港經歷很長的殖民統治,學生缺少中國文化、歷史的了解(特別是當代、近代史),沒有祖國的觀念,更別說愛國了,他們心中只有濃厚的地方彩色。

The protests made me sick (Part 1)
2014/09/29 20:57

I watch all the HK news and all the protests made me sick especially how Professor Ben brag about the protest.  It reminded me about an investment lunch meeting that I went earlier this week. The speaker, an investment strategist, was mainly taking about slow or negative population growth in certain Western countries would impact economic activities negatively in the future.  The other negative factor was law and regulation would have negative impact.  I heard these theories/arguments before from other speakers at other conference before.  He was siting many countries and made a lot of projections.  He even sited China's one child policy and its non-democratic law as a problem. 


I just can't help to challenge him and I used China and India as an example to compare.  I informed him that as everyone knows, that one country has population growth limitation (i.e. 1-child policy), Communist (i.e. non-democratic), very corrupt (limited law and order), non-English speaking, and not that many intelligent people (this was used mainly to mock the guy).  The other country has no population limit (ever increasing population), democratic government (largest democracy in the world), also corrupt, English speaking, and many intelligent people such as the new Microsoft CEO, Pepsi CEO, Louisiana governor and the list go on.  By his and many elite theory, India should be way ahead of China.  The current economic situation seems to be the opposite. 
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