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跟白頂紅 -- 替敢在病態社會當官的人說幾句話
2013/08/06 23:05:57瀏覽2140|回應17|推薦1



果你看過余之前的時事網誌,就知道余絕非狼粉。但余認為狼班子裡並非全部都是狐群狗黨,有相當一部分是真有心替香港社會做點實事的。先說麥齊光,大家可翻查一下記錄,在梁展文事件調查過程中披露過在政府循例『諮詢』各有關高官對應否批准其到新世界任職時,時為常秘的麥齊光是唯一提出梁展文曾參與紅灣半島居屋變私樓,如批准其任職新世界,可能成為敏感事件。其他與麥齊光同級或比他更高級的官員均持圍威喂心態而沒有理會麥齊光所提的意見。在當時余覺得麥齊光是個好官。20多年前兩名公務員互供對方的單位可能數以萬計,麥齊光之所以落得如此下場就是他當了局長。再說林奮強, 30多歲被政府委任為中央政策組非全職顧問,40多歲成為國際投資銀行的MD201150歲選擇退休並自資成立非牟利智庫「黃金50」,這決定已可看見其對金錢之價值觀。於2012年獲委任為行政局議員時他已申報在港擁有數十個物業,市值數億元。那些向廉署誣告他的反對黨政客說廉署不檢控他感到失望,若果廉署順他們意檢控他而其後法庭判他無罪,這些政客就會對法庭感到失望。林奮強售出於2001(接近谷底價)買入已持有11年的物業賬面賺了500多萬,一來數字合理,二來這宗物業交易只佔他持貨量的一小部分,試問為此而賠上他的名聲是否公道呢?



後記:余拋磚引玉得到眾同學及各方好友積極回應,令內容豐富充實,蓬蓽生輝,十分感謝!因版面所限,較早的精彩回應已由網站安排為第二頁(包括蔡醫生之第一次回應、賀醫生的回應及余答复Gulliver第一次回應時所增補有關何建宗的個案)。請點擊畫面的右下方 (灰色的看本文的下一頁, 綠色的看下一篇文章)



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Gary Chan
2013/08/08 19:47

Fully agree with your view - Gary Chan

2013/08/08 18:16
I fully endorse the views expressed by the author.

2013/08/08 18:16

茂波錯在他或至親在新界東北發展區有地, 也就是利益, 這樣參與領導東北發展, 不就是利益衝突嗎 ?


zhangWL(xingwanlilu) 於 2013-08-09 11:18 回覆:
4.余的原文跟你的高見一樣,陳局長與林議員均錯在他們有樓有地。地主始終在黑五類裡排名第一,還高過反革命。如果他們一無所有,至少會得到香港差不多一半家庭的empathy認同。另一半的有產階級則沒資格發窮惡。不過,陳家的地在數以百億計的發展裡只佔不足3百萬。余讀中學時數學科教過"significant figures", 幾百億裡的幾百萬應該就絕不significant.


just sharing
2013/08/08 14:43
Dear gulliver n all
Just to share a small piece of my history, paul chan was my senior n actually my first teacher in audit work when i worked one summer with FS Li the acctg firm
Gulliver, were u there when paul chan doing summer work at fs?
Indeed paul was a very very nice, smart hard working guy!
Bad peer and friends? 遇人不淑!he did have a will to help n change for hk back in late 70s!
Still i think not the right one he should help
One more pt : My elder bro acted as one of the 2 referees for him when he applied for hkicpa membership
Nothing special still a good friend then

top boy
2013/08/08 11:54

When I was a naive young man , I often wonder how a catastrophic calamity like the cultural revolution could happen when so many supposedly mentally sound and  educated people could be whipped  into such  senseless  frenzy. Little would I imagine then that i will be face to face with one half a century later here in Hong Kong.

 Teacher freely abusing the  police with four lettered words was praised by the teachers' union;  university students who showed their behinds ( albeit with their pants still on )to the chancellor during graduation ceremony were condoned as doing the righteous thing, kidergarden manuels teaching children  to respect their country are accused of brain washing the kids,  No matter how ludicrous and far out  the accusations are. you can bet that there are always so called academics and commentators egging them on.

If one think about it,the saga involving Paul Chan , Franklin Lam and Mak Chai Kwong is just part of the ongoing cultural revolution a la Hong Kong. Just like the chinese cultural revolution was never about culture, the present one is targeted at cy Leung and its adminstration right from the get go. Its aim is to make HK so ungovernable as to force the hands of the central government

Call  me a conspiration junkie but I certainly dont want to be here where the showdown arrives say when the moronic "occupy central movement" commence.

As  an aside I wonder how many of our more 'democratically  inclined ' classmates will be there. Nah, just kidding.

2013/08/08 01:03

Cannot agree with you more. Hong Kong is sick. The ingredients for another cultural revolution is here

1.劏房户 (貧農)2.野心家(老毛)3. 學生(紅衛兵)4. 民主理想(共產主義). Hong Kong is too simple, sometimes naive. 

that is total robbery
2013/08/07 22:32
1. If really the executive council was only told about the special stamp duty tax one day before its announcement, then the council is useless in helping the government to formulate   Such a significant fiscal policy that affect so many citizens of hk.
2. Northeast territory development project: the hk government will grab the land of private landowner for hk$950 per sq. ft  if the owner own less than 40,000 sq. ft of land.Some other land owner can sell for hk$22,000 psf if their land are bigger than 40,000 sf, because, in that case, the government will not grab their land n they can either sell it or develop the land themselves at 6.5 time plot ratio. With land premium and profit.
3. If mr chan combine his 20,000 sf land with his political assistant's another 20,000 sf, they can then sell it to other developer their total 40,000 sf of land for hk$900 million.

What kind of policy is that, that is totally robbery, hk is still the same, rob from the poor n enrich the rich n powerful, such as the village chief, the big developer n the policy maker together.

zhangWL(xingwanlilu) 於 2013-08-07 23:45 回覆:

i sud hv also mentioned the case of the PA of DB in the above article. to me, he appears equally innocent. as widely criticised, the "guidelines" announced today do not stipulate whether it's been newly amended/implemented or since before the current cabinet sworn in. it's obvious the act of Mr Ho transferring the property to his mother was a deliberate move before his taking up of the political appt. it only made sense he did so if the declaration of interest guidelines at the time did not incl one's parents. but in any case, the property has been family-owned for some 40 years & was not 囤積居奇 but continuously being used by the factory. it's purely speculative whether land owners of various sizes of plots can merge lands adjoined or otherwise, or whether & what acquisition price will be offerred. the development plan will undergo due process of consultation & numerous vettings by Legco.
once again, under the prolateriat ideology, Messrs Paul Chan & Henry Ho r surely guilty of being landowners. they sud thank heaven they r not in the midst of the red guards or the Bolsheviks.

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