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對等連接詞 Coordinate Conjunctions
2007/01/08 00:36:49瀏覽11305|回應0|推薦8




句子中語義地位和文法作用都相等的單字、片語或子句要用對等連接詞來連結,而若只有連接兩個對等的子句時就形成所謂的合句 (compound sentence)。寫作上常用的對等連接詞有and, or, but, so, for, nor, as well as, not only … but also, either … or, neither … nor, both … and等。同學大多已熟悉單一連接詞如and, or, but, so, for的用法。以下只舉出幾個容易犯錯的片語連接詞 (phrasal conjunctions) 和相關連接詞 (correlative conjunctions),說明如下:

  • not only … but also不僅……也是

Future research should examine not only the quantity of context but also the quality of context.(未來的研究應不只要考慮情境的量,也要考慮情境的質。)

→此句型常用以撰寫對未來研究的建議,而not only … but also是所謂的相關連接詞,兩者所連接的文字在文法上應該平行對稱。如句中的not only後接名詞片語the quantity of context和but also後接名詞片語the quality of context就是一種平行對等的結構。但很多同學常會疏忽此平行對稱的要求,而寫出以下錯誤的句子:

*Future research should not only examine the quantity of context but also the quality of the context.

上句如果只用中文語義來理解似乎很合理,但是not only後面接的是動詞examine加名詞片語,而but also後卻只有名詞片語,這不符合連接詞所連接的部分需要文法結構相等的要求。

Students not only talked more, but also used a wider range of speech acts in the small-group context.(在小組的情境中學生不只會多說話,而且會使用更多的語言行為。)

→句中not only … but also所連接的文字在文法上有達到平行對稱:not only後接動詞talked,but also後接動詞used。另外,常有同學一看到not就想在其前加助動詞表否定,以致形成以下錯誤句子:

* Students do not only talked more, but also used a wider range of speech acts in the small-group context.

另外,寫作時也可把not only放在句首呈現倒裝句型,而but also中的also可以省略,例如:

Not only has policy direction altered, but the idea of an independent, objective advisory committee is lost.(政策方向不僅已經改變,連獨立客觀的諮詢委員會的想法也已喪失。)

→表否定的not only放在句首時,句子就一定要倒裝,所以主詞policy direction和助動詞has要對調。而not only接的是一個子句,為了平行對等,but之後也要接一個子句,不能寫成以下不對等的句子:

*Not only has policy direction altered, but the idea of an independent, objective advisory committee.

這個句子如果用中文語義來理解好像也可成立,意指「政策方向」和「諮詢委員會的想法」都已改變。但是not only後面接子句policy direction has altered,而but後接的卻是名詞片語the idea of an independent, objective advisory committee,這違反對等連接詞連接的部分必須要文法結構平等的要求。

  • as well as 和

Mean scores for all items, as well as original scale means, are shown in Table 1.(所有題項的平均數以及原始量表的平均數都呈現在表一。)

→此句型常用於撰寫研究結果中呈現數據的圖表,句中對等連接詞as well as為一片語連接詞,前後所接的文法結構必須相同。其所表達的義涵和上述的not only … but also很接近,都是表達兩者皆是的情況。但是not only … but also的重點是置於but also後的事物,因此動詞必須與後面的主詞一致;而as well as是強調其前的事物,動詞須與前面的主詞一致,例如:

In the present study, characteristics of teachers’ language in the classroom as well as the use of explicit teaching behaviors are described.(此研究描述教師在教室中的語言特性和明確教學行為的使用。)

此句型常用於撰寫研究目的,而as well as之前的名詞characteristics of teachers’ language為複數,其後的名詞the use of explicit teaching behaviors為單數,因動詞須與as well as之前的名詞一致,所以必須要用複數的are。

  • 練習題:


‧In judging the role of context, researchers need to consider __________ __________ the amount included __________ __________ the relevance of that context.


解答:not only; but also



( 知識學習語言 )
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