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美國老師教你寫出好英文》七大英文寫作文題 以「描述文」為例
2008/10/29 00:41:49瀏覽16960|回應0|推薦8

We now shift our focus from some traits of better writing to some of the different kinds of writing. Please understand there are many different kinds of writing styles and purposes. Here we will look at a few of the more common types, the kinds your teacher will likely assign you. This section has brief descriptions and explanations, plus real examples from Taiwan undergraduate university students’ essays, with some comments and suggestions.


Description 描述文

In this style, you are describing someone or something. One trick here is to try to involve the five senses when you write. For instance, let’s say you wanted to write about a summer day. This is dull: “It was a very hot day so I sat outside and had a drink.”


Instead, try this: “It was a hot day--about 35, and my T-shirt was damp with sweat--so I found a shady spot under a banyan tree. It was like sitting under a gigantic green umbrella. I had just bought a milk tea, and the cup felt cool to my fingers. A slight breeze of fresh, country air stirred across my face. In the branches above, I heard a few birds chirping. Ah…life is good!”


Look at the senses you invoked:


Touch: damp T-shirt, cool cup, slight breeze across your face

Taste: delicious milk tea

Sound: birds chirping

Smell: fresh, country air

Sight: tree, like a green umbrella






See, this short passage touches on all five senses!


Here is a passage, with my editing comments. Items I cut are marked through; items added are in blue. Explanatory comments are in the margin.





( 知識學習語言 )
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