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2013/04/25 15:12:11瀏覽1716|回應0|推薦1





如是我聞。一時,諸侯率眾赴境外旅遊,在美利堅合眾國,託管地關島,某運動酒吧,扮豬扮猴群起作法,伴豬亦伴猴而作屁言…大螢幕前,the MLB games broadcasting online…A boring duel between hard-luck Wei-Yin Chen and Hiroki Kuroda playing in Yankees Stadium



How about changing the program to see a movie instead as a recreational warm-up before making our final decision, fight or surrender, love or peace, winning another Nobel Prize again together…

Of course Life of Pi, the masterpiece of Ang Lee, 華人之光,Why not…

Objection! I think The Last Sumarai performed by Tom Cruise is a better or definitely even the best choice for us! 抱歉,席主席,這裡歸老大管,不是日本國固有領土尖閣群島,甭哪壺不開偏去提尿壺,侈談啥民族主義,不怕薰死人喔…

Richard Parker, Sorry, President Park, What’s your opinion…

Our Big Brother, 難得女人當家,徐娘半老歐巴桑,自應力挺整形成果斐然物化極品,最愛美的國花!恁祖媽內舉不避親,鄭重推蔫不營養韓流文化席捲台灣的代表作之一,少女時代Live Show




 ────────UDN部落格, 2013001, 0425────────





Premier Abe, I have warned you earlier so many times, since the World War Ⅱ had been over, you should behave friendlier toward all constructive strategic partners! Don’t you guys forget that the world is always parts of US territories, not to mention the tiny Taiwan! However, what a pity! other than the stubborn Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Korea and so on…

Objection! My boss, you know, the cheap Samsung products have, so far, ruled more than half of the market of mobile phones! Besides, the famous international brand Kia has also driven his own way down the roads everywhere around the whole world, covering either the mountains or the lands, South Korea, therefore, should promptly be excluded from the list, please… 





The US itself, here, could be repeatedly read as the first person plural personal object pronoun us too! This means Kim the kid excluded from the peace-loving global society will later be told to actually belong to us, doesn’t it sound so good to all of us, right?

But…my big master, we are so scared and have fed up with that type of intimidating threats…we should waste no time, let’s react more aggressively, teaching him militantly some harsh lessons to make the disgusting clown learn just a few of the most fundamental international responsibilities required to obey unconditionally as the head of a state… 


He was born in a cyber-age, probably clicking on the screen nearly every day and night to govern his private kingdom like easily playing the videogames. He might build his own trademark identity for Nikando only effortlessly while treating Japan naughtily as a personal toy! 





Anybody can remind me what the little rascal truly wants? money? I don’t think so! He’s certainly the richest mogul on this planet, unfortunately the Forbes is just not able to estimate how wealthy Kim as well as his families really are? enough is never enough? I don’t care…


A helpless Japan has long time publicly budgeted huge numbers of spending yearly to pay his father and granddad millions of billions of yen as the necessary ransom to seek and pray for the basic national security protected by the under-the-table bribery…


Kim, a gambler; Ma, the bumbler; they are not the same at all, how come to kill two mocking birds with one stone?







Does it genuinely immortal when targeted by another mysterious weapon, for example, like Musudan, the fake missiles totally fabricated in media myths?


The regional stability in East Asia is a must, devaluing the yen is not a fair choice; the trade sanctions or even an ultimate embargo is a no-brainer, launching a war is optional, what could we do now? It’s our mutual home works triggered not entirely by Kim alone…


If so, how were you elected successfully?

None of my business! Spare her needless embarrassment!






Why not considering a secret date with Kim? unlike the ways the North Korea leaders have paved to show us how they intentionally harass the world, the South Koreans actually dominate nothing on earth except what said by you in terms of the communication apparatus, a logo doomed a poor loser too in US courts as piracy and theft…



Look! You, lustful evil men, are all rude! See how Gates shook hands with me so impolitely… 

No complains, Madame. You are lucky! Were the insulted the other virtual predator, Richard Parker or A.K.A. the paper tiger cowardice Kim, Mr. Gates will have a handgun on his left hand simultaneously while greeting him and facing off against each other at the same time…





Kill Kim on the spot? A bloody terroristic live program televised worldwide…



What are you stupids talking about? Who dare to eliminate Kim, I swear here pulling out a pistol off my pocket to shoot him or her down first!





Just like the US military helicopter collapsed vertically around the border lines shared by both Koreas…

Who did it on purpose? You bastard China or you sheepish Japan or you, my dear Miss Park…

聽你在放屁!嘜假仙,誰不曉得美帝最愛自導自演,堪稱尚正港偽君子,還敢找無辜者算帳?有夠厚臉皮…It’s nobody but you yourself! The biggest fucking liar in the world…

Kim is currently our boss’s best friend? You blame Kim for all faults and order CIA to try their best protecting him from being perished, like Osama bin Laden, by anybody other than US troops or snipers…

Me? bull shits! The unspeakable conspiracy is, everybody here all needs the formidable supports that Kim’s invisible offers have afforded! 






He helps us stabilize our seizures of powers, both domestically and globally, more effortlessly…


Pardon the innocent Kim to reconcile with his inexperienced young age? Because the divided worlds scattering everywhere that were or are or will be severed into two opposing different segments and filled with disputable dynamites are more welcome?

I myself am the most persuasive best answer! Ain’t I?





The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where

But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
So on we go

His welfare is of my concern
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there

For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another

It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share

And the load
Doesn't weigh me down at all
He ain't heavy he's my brother

He's my brother
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
He ain't heavy, he's my brother


Japan already is one of the great complete ones, we’ll equip ourselves with all types of fighting tools to maintain our wholeness, we just can’t be manipulated by anyone of you…

Plus Kim himself? Are you sure? believe me, nothing happens at all eventually, the farce is not a zero sum game, it’s kind of, instead, an annual routine job for multilateral diplomatic maneuvers with zero dangerous political stakes seriously wagered in…

Selling the senses of crises could be the most lucrative business?


Don’t worry! Peace previously remains there forever and is still to stay put motionlessly…It might perhaps draw nearer and nearer, though……

If only the diplomacy dialogues between the deaf and the dumb starting over again coincidentally to get effective finally…

the capitalism addict Kim is too valuable, at least right now, as not to be overthrown or replaced immediately…

Kim leads us to open the doors, reaping various benefits of opportunistic gains and bunches of decorative equipment to strengthen and beautify our power foundations…

Remember! We five are almost starting to run from the same line to respectively hold our new official tenures and play our authoritative roles…

We are exactly sitting on the same merry-go-round to scream and shout? We are precisely rowing in the same boat to strive to survive?

No enemies, no advantages; no rivals, no profits…It’s the simplest common senses…

No boss, no extra bonus and vice versa. Who bosses Whom? Who are bossed by whom?






What entertainments should we pick up to enjoy ourselves as a celebration ritual after breaking the deadlock we once pretended to unbearably suffer… 

Yet the high tensions caused by the minor incident haven’t gone through with safety…


Speak of the pigs, don’t you guys notice that we’ve silently finished watching an animation film titled “animal farm”, unless you stubborn pigheads absent-mindedly cast the eyes over elsewhere outdoors without knowing the absurd conclusion of that book

The neighbors of North Korea outside looked from Obama to Kim…

 And from Kim to Obama, and from Obama to Kim again; but already…

 It was impossible to say which was which….


The End…Adrift

Let’s chant a song to praise a solid unity of one like us as a happy ending to tell all members that none of the rebels will be punished! Okay, are you ready? Great, follow me! Long Live Kim Jong Un…

Long live Japan, go to hell China!

Long live China, go to hell Nobel Peace Prizes!

Long live women, go to hell men!
Long live female peacocks, go to hell cocks!
You piggish male chauvinists suck!






( 時事評論政治 )
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