今天下午正準備離開公司趕飛機,開著一部黑色林肯轎車來公司接我去機場的,是一個身長6呎3吋,約190公分的黑人 Michael 。在前往芝加哥機場的途中,Michael 興味盎然,天南地北的跟我聊起天來。
「我會說一點中文。」當他知道我是從香港來Chicago 出差之後,竟然跟我說起中文來了。
“ Wow ! It's amazing ! Your Chinese is really good. Have you been to Asia or China before ? " 我問。
“ No,Actually I learn Chinese by myself. I have some video tapes and often make practice. I spent lots of time on Chinese language. But I have been put in this country inside and never ...go outside before."
" Not too many people will do this self learning. I believe most people will absolutely feel amazing when they see you speaking such good Chinese. ...." 我由衷欽佩地說。
“ Yap. I am proud of that. You know, in Chicago I often drive Chinese customers. And I also go to Chinese restaurant sometimes. .... 你叫做什麼名字? ... 我要吃炒飯 .... 飯 is rice, right ? 還有叉燒包跟牛肉 . 麵 .... When they see a big Black guy speaking fluent Chinese, they usually will show a big smile on their face. I like that.... "
只見Michael 臉上充滿了自豪與成就感。
「你真的很努力,也很厲害!」 我對這位從未出過國,努力自學中文,臉上充滿著友善笑容的非裔美國人,內心感到由衷的敬佩。
聊著聊著,轉眼間機場到了,「再見!」 Michael 幫我提行李下車,笑著跟我說。「謝謝。」 我也與他握手道別。