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英詩二: 夢跟踪人
2009/04/15 00:28:52瀏覽523|回應0|推薦0

Dream Stalker

I must have searched for you
in back of my memory, wishing
to have a glimpse of your shadow,
to hear your voice again.

Then, last night, you came to my dream.

I saw you bare breasted,
uttering quivering voices,
when your loving eyes
of begging tear, asked why.

But when I reached for your hand,
my dream stalker, the dream ended.
In panic I searched again,
but could not re-enter a dream
I've waken up from.

I sat in dark and was lost between dreams.

In bed, my wife, turned lightly
and murmured to my silent jitter
hon, come back to sleep,
you had a bad dream.
( 創作詩詞 )
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