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英詩一: 動物園關的大猩猩
2009/04/15 00:24:55瀏覽497|回應0|推薦0

The Gorilla

To the old ape sitting in the Natinal Zoo in DC

You sit there, bored and careless,
showing no annoyance
to the crowd passing your temporary housing.

Your wildness is blurred by the blankness
Of leaving your tribe behind in the jungle unconfined.
Your huge dark face, emotionless, masks huge dark loneliness.

Your big eyes so deep, in them
the anger of a victim sank and disappeared.
You don't see human cousins staring n laughing.
Your senses are dulled because there are no seasons, stars,
kingdom, nor conquers in jailed space.

Held here so long, languished dreams of children swing,
while no wives bicker, neither young guys grown bigger,
threat to arise and to take your seat.
For so long, you don't see changes around.

Never again see a mirror like lake water
that would have reflected your dignified grayness.
There is no time and age in a cage.
Extremely gentle became your sadness.
( 創作詩詞 )
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