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2024/07/27 06:19:35瀏覽4560|回應0|推薦5 | |
直衝冷氣房小心得「冷氣病」!醫點名「2類人」注意:嚴重恐腦中風 中天新聞網 地球只要持續暖化,你我都是在猝死的高風險中! 夏天到了,炎炎烈日下,大家都迫不及待地躲進冷氣房,享受涼爽的感覺,但小心直衝冷氣房,因此得了「冷氣病」,對此,胸腔暨重症專科醫師黃軒點名,「2類人」更容易受到影響。
為了避免「冷氣病」的困擾,黃軒提到預防和緩解的方法,包括適度使用、飲食調理、戶外走動等。 黃軒直言,冷氣雖然舒適,但過度使用可能對健康造成負擔,建議「不要讓冷風直接吹向身體」,可以使用擋風板改變風向,此外,放一杯水在冷氣房內,增加周圍的濕度,有助於保持皮膚和眼睛的舒適度。
黃軒也提醒,長時間待在冷氣房,肩膀和腰背肌肉容易收縮,造成全身酸軟,走動有助於增強身體免疫力,也能改善這種情況,記住,如果持續出現不舒服的症狀,建議儘速就醫,並且平時要多注意自身健康狀況。 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/直衝冷氣房小心得-冷氣病-醫點名-2類人-注意-032427518.html Snowbird Elvis Presley Beneath this snowy mantle cold and clean The unborn grass lies waiting For its coat to turn to green The snowbird sings the song he always sings And speaks to me of flowers That will bloom again in spring When I was young my heart was young then too Anything that it would tell me Thats the thing that I would do But now I feel such emptiness within For the thing that I want most in lifes The thing thing that I cant win Spread your tiny wings and fly away And take the snow back with you Where it came from on that day The one I love forever is untrue And if I could you know that I would Fly away with you The breeze along the river seems to say That hell only break me heart again Should I decide to stay So little snowbird take me with you When you go To that land of gentle breezes Where the peaceful waters flow Spread your tiny wings and fly away And take the snow back with you Where it came from on that day The one I love forever is untrue And if I could you know that I would |
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