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讀書筆記:政府機關、菁英與利益團體(Reading Notes:Government agencies, elites and interest groups)
2020/09/21 20:03:59瀏覽151|回應0|推薦5


In public policy, it is the government agency that plays the most important and active role. Through legislation, government agencies have legitimized policies that all people must follow; government agencies also have the power to punish individuals, groups, and organizations that do not follow the order.


In the process of government policy formation, elites are in a key position. Although elites are a minority in number, they have extremely high decision-making power. However, they often cannot represent the will of the majority of the people. Therefore, the policies formulated under their leadership may not reflect the needs of the people. On the contrary, if certain people among the masses want to move upward in the social class, they must accept the value of elites. Under the leadership of elites, the masses sense of political participation will be lower.


In a society that emphasizes "diversity," elites are not so dominant. Under pluralism, multiple individuals, groups, and communities in society decide public policies together; no single individual or group can fully control the formation and development of policies, and competition, negotiation, and compromise are common things. It is the existence and activities of "interest groups" that best demonstrate the characteristics of a pluralistic society. They exert their power through elections, lobbying legislative departments, influencing administrative officials, or controlling media opinion.


( 知識學習語言 )
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