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2020/09/20 23:14:08瀏覽220|回應0|推薦3 | |
書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦做舟。──韓愈〈勸學〉 當我們面對堆積如山的書籍時,只有「勤奮」是我們的路; 當我們面對浩瀚無涯的知識時,只有「努力」是我們的船。 When we want to read books that are "stacked like a mountain", only "diligence" is the way; and in the vastness of knowledge, "effort" can be our boat. ----- 舊學商量加邃密,新知培養轉深沉。──朱熹〈鵝湖寺和陸子壽〉 那些我們已經掌握的知識,透過研究與討論,會變得更加深邃;而那些現在才開始接觸的新知識,只要我們願意投入時間、心力,持續累積、涵養,那麼這些知識也終將被我們深切掌握與理解。 The knowledge that we have already mastered will become more profound through research and discussion; and the new knowledge that is only beginning to come into contact now, as long as we are willing to invest time and effort, continue to accumulate and cultivate, then this knowledge will eventually be deeply mastered and understood by us. ----- 明日復明日,明日何其多,我生待明日,萬事成蹉跎。(文嘉〈明日歌〉) 明天之後還有個明天,我們生命當中似乎還有許多的「明天」;假如我們的生活總是在寄望「明天」的來臨,那麼,大概所有的事情都會因此被拖延。 There is a tomorrow after tomorrow, and there seems to be a lot of "tomorrow" in our lives; if our lives are always looking forward to the arrival of "tomorrow," then probably everything will be delayed. (翻譯工具:Google翻譯) |
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