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2010/01/29 16:36:36瀏覽39742|回應32|推薦71 | |
感謝電小二推薦 三個星期前二女兒在美麗的舊金山結婚了,她們小倆口計劃了好久,決定在舊金山漁人碼頭邊的 Argonant Hotel 舉行婚禮,婚禮的前幾天我們還很擔心天氣,因為有風雨過境,還好天公作美,當天是個還不錯的好天氣,因為婚禮和晚宴都在同一地點,行程上也比較好掌控,再加上有了去年大女兒婚禮的經驗,我和老婆大人這次就比較不緊張了。 像上次一樣,身為新娘父親和岳父大人,要在婚宴上講幾句話來祝福這對新人,我這位老爸對兩個女兒的愛和期盼都一樣的深,要祝福的話自然也差不多,唯一不同的是,老大去年在史丹福大學教堂舉行婚禮後,分兩場宴會,下午一場是年輕的朋友,晚宴是在中國餐廳,邀請的親友大部份都是中國人,所以我可以放心的用中文講了,而老二是採純西式的晚宴,宴請的親友有很多不懂中文。我就必需用英文了。兩位女兒事前都一再提醒我,千萬別因為找到機會上臺,就像很多大官一樣,長篇大論的講個不停呀,大女兒當時給我的時間是五分鐘,結果我講了七分鐘,還好當晚對我講的評價不錯,到老二時,她希望我講的更短一點,因為她還安排了不少其它的節目呢,所幸不負眾望,只用了四分鐘,圓滿達成任務,效果也還不錯,終於鬆了一口氣。 嫁女兒是件大事,而要上臺致祝福詞,更是一件隆重大事,為了準備這場演說,我花了不少的心思,也參考了許多過去其他新娘老爸的講稿,中英文的都有,發現網路上有很多替人寫講稿的,收費還不低呢, 還好我從小就參加過無數次的大小場演講比賽,也曾在職場上發表過對客戶的演說,再加上過去多年的教書經驗,我自認為這小小的演講難不倒我,但是當女兒們的婚禮快來臨時,我還是放心不下,所以這兩次的講稿,我反覆練習和背誦超過了百次,希望臨場不要忘詞,英語演講更是要注意不要說得太快,發音和咬字要清楚正確,就怕搞砸了遺笑大方,還給女兒們丟臉呀。 在婚宴上父親對女兒的演講,不外乎是表達對這對新人的祝福和鼓勵吧,最好能製造一些輕鬆幽默的場面,來化解一些緊張的氣氛,除了介紹新娘新郎,講講他們的經歷,為人處世的態度,個性和人品特質外,其它如小時候的一些趣事,他們是如何譜成戀曲等,都是很好的題材呀,沒有一定的格式,但看每位演講者的創意了,還要感謝一大堆的人,再加上說完後的舉杯祝福,時間還真的很容易超過呢。現在把這兩次的婚禮致詞,整理後與大家分享。 在大女兒婚禮上的致詞 4/25/2009 各位親朋好友, 非常歡迎各位能來參加我女兒的婚禮和晚宴, 各位今天能親自趕來現場送上祝福, 非常感謝, 尤其有幾位是特地從遠道和國外來參加的, 真是非常感激, 很可惜有不少親朋好友, 身居國外不能來, 但是不論你是身在上海, 台灣, 香港, 菲律賓, 日本,加拿大,墨西哥或世界其它地方, 你們從那遙遠的國度, 真誠的送給這對新人的祝福,我們會更加珍惜,現在透過這相機和網路, 我在這兒向各位送上最誠摯的敬意, 日後有機會我們一定會當面向你們致謝的。 古人流傳下來的四喜詩中說到, 人生有四大樂事:久旱逢甘雨, 他鄉遇故知, 洞房花燭夜, 金榜题名時, 現在我要加上另外一大樂事, 女兒出嫁時, 是人生第五大樂事. 今天也是我這個做岳父大人的新官上任的就職典禮,我感到十分榮幸. 我今天更高興的是, 女兒妳能和自已相愛心儀的人, 披上婚紗, 步入結婚禮堂, 共築愛巢, 建立自已的小家庭, 恭喜妳了。老爸也要謝謝妳替爸媽完成了一個美夢, 那就是希望我女兒有個很好的歸宿, 相信這也是天下做父母親一生中對兒女最期盼的心願. 我女兒從小就很美麗乖巧, 求學很努力, 做事很認真,尤其投入各種教會活動,熱愛運動, 也很喜歡小孩子。很高興女兒妳能遇到情投意合而又深愛妳的白馬王子, 人品和學識都非常優秀, 老爸很佩服妳的眼光, 同時妳也給老爸找來了一位這麼貼心的乘龍快婿, 我們全家都很喜歡他. 我們和親家相處的也很投緣, 去年我們還曾經結伴一起出遊呢, 很高興能和你們成為一家人. 女兒從今天起將是妳人生新的里程碑, 也是另一種新生活的開始, 希望妳能以運動家長跑的精神, 要以無比的耐力, 信心和勇氣, 和妳的另一半,共同努力, 把妳們的家給撐起來, 去迎接人生不同的挑戰, 現在是妳們的最佳時刻,開始計劃和開創你們下一個美夢, 老爸在這兒祝福妳們. 同時我也要送給女兒和女婿幾句話, 那就是 “三有一愛”, 是我觀察體驗了多年的一點心得, 自創的品牌, 可以做為妳們增進美滿婚姻家庭的參考. 什麼是 有信心就是對自已有信心 而愛更是凝聚家庭向心力的 親愛的女兒女婿,今晚我講的所有細節會整理後放在我的部落格上, 有空常去看看, 包你受用無窮, 如有新版本的話我會隨時補充, 這一切都是終生免費的呢. 成家後如果遇到任何的困難和挑戰, 想想老爸送你們的“三有一愛”錦囊妙計, 不要害怕, 世界的舞台現在是屬於你們年輕人的了, 勇敢的去開創人生, 享受人生吧. 爸媽和所有的親朋好友, 都是你們的最忠實的支持者. 爸媽也歡迎妳們全家大小常回家來看看, 女兒妳最愛的八寶粥和可口的小菜, 老媽隨時可以準備好等妳們回來. 俗語說得好, 在家靠父母, 出外靠朋友, 謝謝各位親朋好友多年來在兩位年輕人成長過程中給予的鼓勵和支持, 我在這兒誠懇的拜託各位好友和長輩們, 希望在今後的歲月裡,能繼續疼愛這對新人,並給與更多的鼓勵和指教, 現在讓我們一起舉杯,再次恭賀和祝福這對新人。謝謝大家。 在大女兒婚禮上的致詞 (英文版) Father of bride wedding speech 4/25/2009 There are five major joys in life Nowadays, we have videos, photos and the internet. Thus, I am here to offer my deepest respect and gratitude to those who could not come, and I hope to thank you in person in the near future. According to an ancient Chinese poem that has been passed down, there are four major joys in life: heavy rain after a long drought, meeting old friends in a foreign land, a person's wedding night, and emerging successful from a formidable challenge Now I am going to add another great pleasure to that list. When your daughter gets married, it is the fifth biggest joy and happiness in life. Today is my official inauguration as a father-in-law,and I am so happy. I am so pleased that my dear daughter,you with your Mr. Right, wearing a wedding dress entering the church,building your own loving union and new family. I also want to thank you for helping me achieve a dream, which is for my daughters to have wonderful families of their own. That is what all parents want the most for their children. My daughter was very lovely and clever from a young age. She has always been very diligent in her studies and work, enthusiastic about various church activities, enjoyed sports, and enjoyed being with children. I am so happy you have met your Prince Charming; he is a great young man with knowledge and integrity.Your dad is really pleased with your choice. At the same time, I have found the ideal son-in-law and our entire family adores him. We are fortunate to have spent time with our new wonderful in-laws on our fun trip together last year. I am thrilled we are becoming one big family. My dear daughter today is a big milestone for you, as you will start a new life. It is a good time for you to work together with your beloved husband and start to plan and build your dream together. I urge you to keep your enthusiasm for sports, your courage and your confidence. I give you my blessings. Now I am going to give you a few words, “Three Haves and Love." It is based on my own observations on life and personal experience with how to maintain a harmonious family life. I hope this will be helpful. This is my personal advice to you. What is “Three Haves and Love?" It means“Have Dream,Have Plan,Have Confidence,and with Love.”It is a way to live your daily family life."Have Dream"means listing all of your wishes for your family.Then,make a solid plan and a step by step approach to accomplish them. "Have Confidence" means you need to give confidence to yourself, your spouse and your children. Then you can make your next dream come true. But you need to fill all of those steps with love. Love is the unifying bond that will bring family members together. In a family with much love, you will not complain when you contribute or do more for your loved ones. Because we are all one family. For example, if you have a dream your family members will live a life of good health, you need to allocate time to exercise daily and have a healthy diet. Also, you need confidence to make your dreams happen. If you have a dream that your family will never face a financial crisis,you need a very detailed and conservative financial plan and control your daily budget. If a family is filled with love, it has no room for quarreling,suspicion or fighting, and you will love your in-laws like your own family, and you will be more patient with yourself and others. Your family will be filled with happiness and laughter. The speech I am giving tonight will be posted later on my Blog,and you are welcome to read it and give me any comments. I will update my speech with newer versions if I think of any better ideas. It will always be available and FREE to you guys. Later when you meet any unique challenges or difficulties, just remember what dad told you about the"Three Have and Love." You will find a way to resolve your problems. Don't be afraid--now it's your young people's turn. Be brave about creating your future and enjoying life now.Mom and dad and all of your friends and family are your most loyal supporters.You are always welcome to bring your family and children to visit us. Mom will be waiting for you with your favorite eight-special-ingredients congee and delicious vegetable dishes. A proverb said it well, that at home we depend on our parents and when we leave home we count on friends and neighbors.Thank you again my old friends and family members for your valuable support and guidance for my daughter and son-in-law on their journey. I sincerely ask you to continue to offer your encouragement and advice to this young couple. Let us toast to congratulate and bless the couple! Thank you,everyone! 在二女兒婚禮上的致詞 Father of bride wedding speech 1/9/2010 My dearest friends and family, I am very grateful you could join us today in celebrating my daughter’s wedding ceremony and banquet. Thank you for your blessings for the new couple. I would like to especially thank those who came from far away. I know there are many friends and relatives who could not make it here today, but your sincere blessings are with them. Today I am so happy to witness you, my daughter marry your Prince Charming in a beautiful wedding dress. I also want to thank you for helping me achieve another dream, which is for my daughter to have wonderful family of her own. That is what all parents want the most for their children. My daughter was only 4 years old when she came to the My dear daughter, the key to happiness is having dreams and the key to success is making dreams come true. As you build your dreams together, start with a plan and enjoy life along the way. Mom and I will give you our fully blessings and support. Thank you again my friends and family for your valuable support and guidance for my daughter and son-in-law on their journey. I sincerely ask you to continue to offer your encouragement and advice to this young couple. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising your glasses, and congratulate the bride and gloom! 背景音樂: THE POWER OF LOVE CELINE DION |
( 在地生活|北美 ) |