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2012/05/20 00:13:41瀏覽3412|回應0|推薦1

       “ idioms “ 在中文翻譯中常稱為“成語“ 或 ” 慣用語” , 但因為中文的成語絕大部份指有歷史故事, 或典故相關之詞, 所以本文採用 ”慣用語”。如果你的英文慣用語知識貧乏, 你就不能誇耀你的英文很酷, 慣用語的確是英文高手的絕招。

         其實大家常見的句子, 像 It rained cats and dogs last night. 貓與狗究竟與下雨何干?是它們在滂沱大雨中大打出手嗎?其實都完全無關。再如 Last Wednesday was a red letter day in our school because it was the day the President visited us. 總統與紅色信件有何關聯?是總統寫的還是受訪者寫的? 其實也都完全無關。甚至像 The old lady kicked the bucket yesterday. 不管你如何絞盡腦汁, 你還是找不出死亡與bucket (桶) 的關聯。

         有些語言評論家甚至故意把 idio(m) 寫成 idio(t) , 就是故意嘲諷其形成無合理原因(plausible explanation), “ Idioms and Idiomatic Phrases, Correlatives, and Collocations” 字典的編者 A.N.C Odu & Jude K. Odu 特別提到二位語言泰斗權威 C.E. Eckersley 及.J.M. Eckersley 對 “ 慣用語” 的觀點, “ Idioms--- in which prepositions are frequently concerned--- are peculiarities of language whose “ rightness” or “wrongness” is based on usage, not on logic or etymology”. (慣用語經常與介系詞相關, 語言亦頗具奇特性, 其正誤完全依據其用法, 而非依據邏輯或語源學。)

        那麼學生又如何精通 ” 慣用語” 呢?使用一本好的現代化字典可說是不二法門。讀英文書時, 更要精心注意  ” 慣用語” (with a sharp eye for idioms.) , 聽新聞及觀察各種表達法中, ” 慣用語” 的使用, 也因為慣用語為數眾多, 所以分類不易, 更沒有一定的經驗法則(rule of thumb)來學習。

         那麼究竟 ” 慣用語”(idiom) 是什麼? 朗文當代英文字典(The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) 的定義是 “ A phrase which means something different from the meaning of the separate words.” ( 由個別字所組成的片語, 其含義與原先個別字截然不同。)美國慣用語字典(American Idiom Dictionary) 則將之定義成 “ The assigning of a new meaning to a group of words which already have their own meaning.”  與朗文當代英文字典的定義大同小異。該字典還特別提出對美國英語慣用語化特別多的看法, 說法是:”Why is English,and especially American English,
so heavily idiomatic? The most probable reason is that as we develop New concepts, we need new expressions for them, but instead of creating a brand new word from the sounds of the language, we use some already existent words and put them together, in a new sense. “  雖然言之鑿鑿, 動機好像為了偷懶。而慣用語的特質也造成翻譯軟體大出洋相, 不信讀者可以試試翻譯 ” What’s in it for me? ” 看看翻出的中文如何?
( 知識學習語言 )
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