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2013/12/26 01:06:12瀏覽1199|回應0|推薦1 | |
一直就喜歡背詩,初中背“今古奇觀”中蘇小妹破解的疊詩,覺得挺神 奇的: ‘野鳥啼 野鳥啼時時有思 有思春氣桃花發 春氣桃花發滿枝 滿枝鶯雀 相呼喚 鶯雀相呼喚岩畔 岩畔花紅似錦屏 花紅似錦屏堪看 堪看山山秀 麗 秀麗山前煙霧起 山前煙霧起清浮 清浮浪促潺湲水 浪促潺湲水景幽 景幽深處好 深處好追遊 追遊傍水花 傍水花似雪 似雪梨花光皎潔 梨 花光皎潔玲瓏 玲瓏似墜銀花折 似墜銀花折最好 最好柔茸溪畔草 柔茸 溪畔草青青 雙雙蝴蝶飛到來 蝴蝶飛來到落花 落花林裏鳥啼叫 林裏鳥 啼叫不休 不休為憶春光好 為憶春光好楊柳 楊柳枝枝春色秀 春色秀時 常共飲 時常共飲春濃酒 春濃酒似醉 似醉閒行春色裏 相逢競憶遊山水 競憶遊山水心息 心息悠悠歸去來 歸去來休休役役。” 原來佛印襌師贈蘇東坡的原詩是: 野野 鳥鳥 啼啼 時時 有有 思思 春春 氣氣 桃桃 花花 發發 滿滿 枝枝 鶯鶯 雀雀相相 呼呼 喚喚 岩岩 畔畔 花花 紅紅 似似 錦錦 屏屏 堪堪 看看 山山 秀秀 麗麗山山 前前 煙煙 霧霧 起起 清清 浮浮 浪浪 促促 潺潺 湲湲 水水 景景 幽幽 深深處處 好好 追追 遊遊 傍傍 水水 花花 似似 雪雪 梨梨 花花 光光 皎皎 潔潔 玲玲瓏瓏 似似 墜墜 銀銀 花花 折折 最最 好好 柔柔 茸茸 溪溪 畔畔 草草 青青 雙雙蝴蝴 蝶蝶 飛飛 來來 到到 落落 花花 林林 裏裏 鳥鳥 啼啼 叫叫 不不 休休 為為憶憶 春春 光光 好好 楊楊 柳柳 枝枝 頭頭 春春 色色 秀秀 時時 常常 共共 飲飲春春 濃濃 酒酒 似似 醉醉 閒閒 行行 春春 色色 裏裏 相相 逢逢 競競 憶憶 遊遊山山 水水 心心 息息 悠悠 歸歸 去去 來來 休休 役役 蘇東坡疊字詩 賞花歸去馬如飛 去馬如飛酒力微 酒力微醒時已暮 醒時已暮賞花歸。 蘇小妹疊字詩 採蓮人在綠楊津 在綠楊津一闋新 一闋新歌聲嗽玉 歌聲嗽玉採蓮人。 夠厲害吧!記得高一國文老師教我們一定要會背紅樓夢黛玉葬花詞, 近日讀童元方的“譯心與譯藝”(書林出版社),提到英譯紅樓夢的 霍克斯(David Hawkes),她寫道“ 曹雪芹的詩心幽微,點染出黛玉 的一縷花魂,而霍克斯的譯筆剔透,捕捉到一閃即逝的靈光。” 紅樓 夢的電子書在iBook上是免費的,霍克斯譯的” The Story of the Stone: The Crab-Flower Club” 我在amazon.com 購買,譯文十分流 暢,只是黛玉葬花詞的韻味,想用英文表達,恐怕相當不易,各位不 妨品味一下:中文可以copy, 英文可是我親自key in 的. 花謝花飛飛滿天,紅消香斷有誰憐? The blossoms fade and falling fill the air, Of fragrance and bright hues bereft and bare. 游絲軟繫飄春榭,落絮輕沾撲繡簾。 Floss drifts and flutters round the Maiden’s bower, Or softly strikes against her curtained door. 閨中女兒惜春暮,愁緒滿懷無釋處, The Maid, grieved by these signs of spring’s decease, Seeking some means her sorrow to express, 手把花鋤出繡閨,忍踏落花來復去。 Has rake in hand into the garden gone, Before the fallen flowers are trampled on. 柳絲榆莢自芳菲,不管桃飄與李飛。 Elm-pods and willow-floss are fragrant too; Why care, Maid, where the fallen flowers blew? 桃李明年能再發,明年閨中知有誰? Next year, when peach and plum-tree bloom again, Which of your sweet companions will remain? 三月香巢初壘成,樑間燕子太無情。 This spring the heartless swallow built his nest Beneath the eaves of mud with flowers compressed. 明年花發雖可啄,卻不道人去樑空巢已傾! Next year the flowers will blossom as before, But swallow, nest, and Maid will be no more. 一年三百六十日,風刀霜劍嚴相逼。 Three hundred and three score the year’s full tale: From swords of frost and from the slaughtering gale 明媚鮮妍能幾時,一朝飄泊難尋覓。 How can the lovely flowers long stay intact, Or, once loosed, from their drifting fate draw back? 花開易見落難尋,階前悶殺葬花人。 Blooming so steadfast, fallen so hard to find! Beside the flowers’ grave, with sorrowing mind, 獨倚花鋤淚暗洒,洒上空枝見血痕。 The solitary Maid sheds many a tear, Which on the boughs as bloody drops appear, 杜鵑無語正黃昏,荷鋤歸去掩重門。 At twilight, when the cuckoo sings no more, The Maiden with her rake goes in at door. 青燈照壁人初睡,冷雨敲窗被未溫。 And lays her down between the lamplit walls, While a chill rain against the window falls. 怪奴底事倍傷神,半為憐春半惱春: I know not why my heart’s so strangely sad, Half grieving for the spring and yet half glad: 憐春忽至惱忽去,至又無言去不聞。 Glad that it came, grieved it so soon was spent. So soft it came, so silently it went 昨宵庭外悲歌發,知是花魂與鳥魂? Last night, outside, a mournful sound was heard: The spirits of the flowers and of the bird? 花魂鳥魂總難留,鳥自無言花自羞。 But neither bird nor flowers would long delay, Birds lacking speech, and flowers too shy to stay. 願奴脅下生雙翼,隨花飛到天盡頭。 And then I wished that I had wings to fly After the drifting flowers across the sky. 天盡頭,何處有香丘? Across the sky to the world’s farthest end, The flowers last fragrant resting-place to find. 未若錦囊收艷骨,一抔淨土掩風流。 But better their remains in silk to lay And bury underneath the wholesome clay, 質本潔來還潔去,不教污淖陷渠溝。 Pure substances the pure earth to enrich, Than leave to soak and stink in some foul ditch. 爾今死去儂收葬,未卜儂身何日喪? Can I, that these flowers obsequies attend, Divine how soon or late my life will end? 儂今葬花人笑癡,他年葬儂知是誰? Let others laugh flower-burial to see: Another year who will be burying me? 試看春殘花漸落,便是紅顏老死時。 As petals drop and spring begins to fail, The bloom of youth, too, sicks and turns pale. 一朝春盡紅顏老,花落人亡兩不知。 One day, when spring has gone and youth has fled, The Maiden and the flowers will both be dead. 有人將全詩翻譯如下: 花落時節花飛滿天,紅顏衰落時有誰愛憐, 閨女惋惜春天即將逝去,滿腔哀愁無人傾訴, 手握花鋤欲葬花,但不忍踏花而過, 明春桃李之花仍將再開,但人是否還在則未可知。 一年三百六十多日,每天處在風如刀霜如劍緊相逼迫的環境之中, 人如同花,明媚鮮艷能有多久? 花開時容易看到,花落時則難再找到,葬花人只好靠著花鋤哭泣。 收起花鋤回房,只有青燈照壁,冷雨打窗, 令人傷神一半是為了憐惜春天,另一半是惱怒春天, 憐惜春天突然無聲地來到,惱怒春天突然離開竟也是默默無聲。 昨晚庭院外似有歌聲發出,不知是發自花或鳥的精魂, 無論如何,花或鳥都默然不語。 但願我臂下生出雙翅,跟著落花飛到天的盡頭,天的盡頭是否有落花的墳冢? 不如我用錦囊收入落花,再用一堆土把它乾淨地掩埋。 生性本是純潔死後也要一塵不染,也比陷入爛泥溝渠之中要來得好。 今天你死了有我來送葬,日後誰知道我何日命喪? 今天我葬花被人笑愚癡,他年葬我的又知是誰? 眼見繁花落盡,大概也是少女命盡的時候。 頃刻青春已過紅顏已老,花兒飄零人已亡逝兩不相知。 |
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